💜🧡 headcanons

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So since I'm writing the next chemically yours chapter rn I decided to make some silly hcs on the gays 🔥🔥💯💯🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Zander has a Netflix account and Luke has a free pass to it bcz he's boyfriend ❤️❤️

When Luke cries, he's full on BAWLING, like sobbing and shit like "WAAHAJAJUWHAHAA" still looks like a supermodel when he sobs either way
And when Zander cries he usually just stands there and lets those tears spill silently looking all pretty and shit 😭😭

When they got married, they had Vivienne Westwood engagement rings 🤭🤭

Luke is really good at football, he even won a few trophies. Meanwhile, Zander is really good at fencing, he's also won a few trophies. (They tried to teach other fencing/football..it did not go well)

They both came out to each other at the same time when they were like 13-14 😭😭
"Okay you go first"
"No let's go at the same time"

Their favorite place to go to for dates is usually art museums, or cafes.

Luke is really really good at painting, sometimes he even paints a portrait of Zander. And it's really good, it kind of looks like those renaissance paintings. (He's also won a few trophies from art competitions)

Whenever they're staying over at each other's houses and one of them has to leave, the conversation goes like:
"I need to start heading home now."

-Adult hcs 🔥🔥

Luke is allergic to dogs so they just got a silly black cat instead and named it after their fav video game (can't decide which one but I'm thinking maybe Sally Face)

Really successful honestly, I see them as that rich couple that would eye you at the airport

Travel together across almost the whole world, their favorite places that they've visited so far are: Colombia, The Bahamas, and France.

I feel like they'd settle down for marriage at around the age of 27-28

Even though Luke doesn't really like reading, he loves it when Zander reads random books he got to him. It helps him fall asleep.

☆🧣🎹Lander Oneshots//Dump BookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ