The Touch of Your Hand

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(based on a hc I have, when they first started dating they both really wanted to hold each other's hands and yk they were like really awkward and shy about it so they come up with stupid excuses 😭😭)
☆Genre: Fluff

I have this desire to hold his hand at all times, though I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I'll seem clingy if I do, I'm not usually one for physical touch, however with Luke around, he makes it feel okay. I just love the secure feeling of his warm hands on a cold day. It's quite embarrassing to casually ask him to hold my hand, or rather reach for it myself, therefore, I come up with rather futile excuses just to hold it. Like yesterday for example,

We walked out of the convenience store, Luke insisted on carrying both of the bags. I hesitated for a moment, I wanted to ask if I could hold the other bag and then hold his hand with my other. "Luke, are you sure you can carry those on your own?" I asked stopping him as I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, he turned back to me and chuckled. "I'll be fine, don't tire yourself." He replied with a smile, I could feel my heart skip a beat. He was such a gentleman. Though, I still insisted. "Don't treat me like some Disney princess and stop being stubborn. Give me one bag." I sternly requested. "Alright fine, I'll have to admit it is a little heavy.." he sighed in defeat as he gave me the other bag. Our hands making contact with each other for a moment. I took the bag and slightly reached out my hand, he took a hold of it and his eyes brightened. "Come on, the light's still green." He quietly said as we both crossed the street, hand in hand. I was so happy I felt like I could explode on the spot.


After we started dating, I felt so much more at ease. Having Zander next to me whenever I needed him was the best thing I could ever ask for. Though, I'm still nervous. I wanna make sure I can be the best boyfriend ever to him. I wanna hold his hand all the time but I'm still a little nervous and timid. I've been finding stupid excuses just to hold his hand, like for example, when we're in public and there's too many people I usually bring my hand closer to his, he immediately gets what I mean and takes a hold of my hand. It makes me feel so much better, and it still sends a shiver down my spine everytime, giving how cold his hands usually are.

Or this other time during class,
I'm right handed, and he's left handed. This means that we can easily hold hands under the desk without a problem.

I started to get bored as I listened to the teacher talk and talk about a topic I really didn't care about. I eventually zoned out and didn't pay any attention to her anymore. I turned my gaze towards Zander who was sitting next to me, he wasn't paying all that much attention either. He was just drawing on the side of his notebook. Ah, of course, he was drawing Leon Kennedy from resident evil again. I then felt rather bold and I slid my hand under the desk, I carefully placed it on his thigh. He averted his gaze from his notebook to my hand, he faintly smiled and placed his other hand above mine. Then, he continued to draw in his notebook, still keeping a small, and barely visible smile on his face. I quietly chuckled at the sight and simply watched him as he continued to draw. He mesmerized me, it felt nice with his hand on mine, and so comforting.

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