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Vamp Zander AU, but how him and Luke met ♡
Requested by: Theleafinzandershair
☆Genre: Fluff

It was 16:00PM, I decided to stay in the library just to practice for my upcoming biology exam. I finally found the book I needed and already sat down at one of the tables. There weren't a lot of people here at this time and it was even more quiet, so that's why I chose to come at this time. I turned the pages and wrote my notes, I noticed that Sadie was here as well. She was carrying some really cool looking book, like some kind of spell book. It was black and red, it had carvings with floral patterns and I couldn't quite tell what the title was.

She noticed me and smiled subtly as she waved, I waved back with a small smile. Even though she could be a little creepy sometimes, she was still polite. She then made her way to a bookshelf behind me, and she left the book back there. She then walked out of the library without a word. Strange..

I tried to focus on my studies but I kept thinking about that book the entire time, curiosity finally got the best of me and I got up and took the book. It was pretty heavy, it was a really big book. The book looked ancient if I'm being honest. The title read: "A Guide to Summoning Mythical Beings." Well...this definitely looked interesting. I opened the book to the first page, it was a warning and some extra precautions. I figured it wouldn't be too bad to check this out, right? I packed the rest of my things, put the book in my bag and decided to go home.

I immediately threw my backpack on the ground and got the book out. I took it with me on my bed and read the precautions first, just to make sure. I'm not an expert after all.

"Precautions and Warnings."
-Guide one: What do I do when summoning a vampire goes wrong?

A vampire..? Interesting. Maybe I should try summoning one, I've always been a big fan of vampires so I feel like this would be pretty cool. I continued to read further.

•If the vampire attempts to harm you, or pull you through to their world, through the human-vampire portal. Whatever you do, do NOT attempt to talk with the vampire in the meantime or enter their world. It will have fatal consequences. Instead, do the following:
-Find any bright light, (the sun, a flashlight..) and make sure it reflects the vampire directly.
-If you have a Bible, or holy water, make sure to use them wisely. Spraying holy water upon the vampire's face is most effective.
-Bring another mirror, point it at the vampire and make sure it already reflects light, for example: from an open window, while the sun is out.
-The sight of a crucifix is enough to slow down a vampire, in some cases it makes them entirely go away.
+Please do not attempt to throw garlic at the vampire. This will not work, it is only a mere myth. Vampires are NOT affected by garlic, attempting this would only danger your life.
!If none of these steps work, or if the vampire is still in your home, please do not attempt to kill the vampire yourself. Instead, contact a priest as soon as possible.

I finished reading the warning. Some of the warnings made me a little nervous I'll be honest. There were other precautions for other mythical beings but I was most interested in vampires. I looked at the second page and it was a guide in alphabetical order for all beings. I searched for the letter 'V' and finally found it. Page 233, Bingo.

I flipped to said page, and there was a list of certain vampires that are able to be summoned. They were listed by name, picture, and by how dangerous they were, along with a short description about them. I looked through the list, none of the vampires on here interested me all that much. I sighed, maybe it was a bad idea to get this book. I always let curiousity get the best of me. I looked down, wait a minute. There was a picture of a certain vampire that drew my attention. The title read: "The Treacherous Evil." It was a nickname that this vampire was known by. Sounds cool. I looked at his picture and he looked really unique, he was also quite handsome I had to admit. I smiled as I looked at the picture.

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