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Some of my headcanons for the sillies <3

•Is skilled at the most random things and not a lot of people know about that (sewing, gardening, writing, painting, even fighting)
•Has fangs (really sharp, the club usually makes jokes about him being a vampire giving how pale he is and his fangs)
•Has also learned how to play the cello because one of his cousins taught him
•Really good at cooking
•Struggles with feelings/emotions and has problems understanding his own, but he can read body language from others quite well
•Would rather die than go out with a "bad outfit"
•Loves sweets (favorite is strawberry cake)
•Loves horror movies/games, therefore he doesn't get scared all that easily
•Resists the urge to punch drew anytime he sees him ☠️
•Respects Sean quite a lot for his calm demeanor and how he handles things + they're close friends, he likes him
•Has organized folders for almost everything in his room
•Dislikes sunny weather

•Half polish
•Really likes salty food/snacks
•Is really good at math
•He always leaves football practice early for Zander (down astronomically bad ☠️)
•Swears in polish when he gets mad
•Has some of the most random clothes you could find in his closet
•Had a goldfish when he was 12 and named it "little Zander", the fish died after a week, he was devistated
•Used to have a MLP (my little pony) phase
•Loves romcoms and overall romantic movies/shows
•Hates horror
•Calls Zander "my little vampire" whenever he complains about the sunny weather just to tease him
•Really good at drawing, especially when it comes to drawing architecture
•Has the strangest phobia of chickens, like he is absolutely TERRIFIED of them
•His mom knew about his crush on Zander for a while so she tried to be a wingman/woman and it uh...backfired
•Has small freckles that you can see only if you get really close to him (Zander calls his freckles "kisses of the sun" whenever Luke feels insecure of them)
•People pleaser...
•Feels like he's the worst person on earth if he says no to someone/sets boundaries (relatable)
•Unironically uses ":3, XD, >_<, :>"
•Listens to any kind of genre (yes...even country)

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