Understand and Appreciate

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(Basically, Luke and Zander are in elementary school, Zander is the new student but he recently moved here from Japan. And now Luke tries his best to communicate with him, even though they don't speak the same language.♡)

Today was just another regular day. It was 7th November 2010, and everyone was excited due to the winter break coming soon.

Luke felt extra happy today, there was a new student in his class. An international one, the teacher just introduced him to the class and she told him to sit down next to Luke. As she walked out of the classroom, the rest of the kids started to chat with one another and the classroom only became louder. Luke turned his head to his new classmate and started to introduce himself. "Hi! My name is Luke." He excitedly said, his classmate looked at him slightly confused. He furrowed his brows and stayed quiet. Luke quickly realized that there was a low chance he understood him. He smiled and tried again, this time pointing at himself. "I'm Luke." He smiled, his classmate's expression softened. Luke gave himself a pat on the shoulder as he felt proud that his classmate finally understood him. "What's your name?" He said pointing at the boy. "..name?" The purple haired boy repeated as he pointed towards himself. Luke nodded and smiled. "..Zander." he answered nervously, his accent showing a little.

Luke gave him a thumbs up and a bright smile, Zander smiled back. The teacher walked in and the loud chatter in the classroom eventually died down. They both turned their heads towards the board in front of them and focused on the lesson.

As the bell rang, everyone hurried outside. It was recess. "Come with me!" Luke brightly grimaced and held out his hand. Zander took it and hoisted himself up from his seat. They both ran outside to the huge yard where many kids were already running around and playing together. The sun was out and the weather was nice. The two boys stood under a tree as Luke thought. He picked up a flower from the grass and showed it to Zander. "This is a flower." He said pointing at it. "..Flower." Zander repeated, Luke nodded. He then crouched down, Zander reciprocated. Luke began to collect a few flowers in his hands and he turned to Zander, thinking for a moment about how he could explain this to him. "Let's make flower crowns. You know, the fancy hats kings and queens wear?" He explained as he attempted to recreate an imaginary crown on his head. Zander looked at him confused, though he understood that Luke was talking about some kind of hat.

Zander's eyes lit up and he nodded with a smile, Luke watched as he also started picking flowers. "Great! We understand each other!" Luke smiled. He continued to watch as Zander connected the flowers together and started making a flower crown. He finished it and proudly put it on his head, feeling confident. "Ooh! I'm gonna make one too for myself!" Luke exclaimed with a smile as he attempted to make a crown, though he failed a few times. As he tried again, Zander placed his hand on Luke's arm, indicating for him to stop. He took the flowers. "Uh..er..watch." He said as he pointed towards the flowers in his hand. Luke nodded and continued to watch as Zander showed him how to make a flower crown. Without saying a single word, Luke still somehow understood how to make one now.

After a few more tries he successfully made a flower crown and placed it on his head, smiling and feeling proud of himself. Zander smiled as well, for the rest of recess they continued to run around and play together. Luke eventually teaching Zander a few words outside as he pointed towards certain things. By the end of the day, Zander was able to form a full sentence and thank Luke. That day Luke went home fully happy, he felt proud of himself for making a new friend and teaching him some English. He went home and excitedly told his parents about his new friend, they smiled and thought it was quite adorable.

Zander went home and excitedly told his mother about his day and the new friend he made. She smiled and was proud of him. That day, Zander learned that you don't need words to communicate. All you need is patience, understanding, and humanly love.

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