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Some additional details to my second AU bcz I'm sick rn and my fever's getting worse so I can't really properly write anything rn ☠️☠️

•Possible title names..
The Dregs of Our Society
Chemically Yours (I can't decide 😭😭)

•Time of AU
This Au takes place in the early to late 2000s

•Birbdays 🎂
Luke: May 19th, 1981
Place of birth: Katowice, Poland
Zander: October 29th, 1980
Place of birth: Ibaraki, Japan

•How they both met:
Luke was one of the new members on the team along with another doctor and another scientist. In 2004, there was an event party with every science team, this party was hosted for a celebration due to the science teams succeeding with a certain research. That night at the party, Zander and Luke coincidentally sat next to each other at a bar, had a few drinks, got to know each other, and eventually since Zander had to leave a bit earlier due to some errands he wrote his number on the cigarette he was smoking and left it in Luke's view. We can guess what happened after that.

•Both of them finished university, they both are working in a science research facility in New York. Luke went to university in South Carolina and Zander went to university in Tokyo. Both were 20 at the time.

•They started going on small dates after they met in 2004, and then they finally got together the following year in 2005.

•Zander spent the majority of his life in Japan, he moved to America when he finished university. This year he's going to be marking 4 years of living in America.

•Luke lived in Poland for half of his life as well, he moved to America a bit sooner than Zander so therefore he's already lived in America for around 6 years.

•They both have silly matching charms on their flip phones with hearts which have their initials on them

☆🧣🎹Lander Oneshots//Dump BookWhere stories live. Discover now