🏴‍☠️・。✿ ♡

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Hi there !! I'm quite excited to share this silly AU of mine, it's an AU that takes place in the 1700s, Luke is a captain (pirate) and Zander is a prince. I've been dying to write this, and also I might change up some things eventually, for now this is just an introduction or rather, a summary. Hope you enjoy <3
☆Genre: Fluff?

Other royalties of the same level as Zander's would usually never want to associate themselves with any work, they would never dare to ever even pick up a sword and fight, they'd have others do everything for them, but not Zander. Luke had always admired Zander's strength, intelligence, bravery, how bold he was and how he always worked hard. Its quite unlike for a prince in his level, he's a great fighter and he's highly independent. Others in his place would show off their riches and their pampered treatments, meanwhile Zander never did that. He had a mind of his own, he was independent, a smart individual who always planned everything out and thought logically, you could practically never predict his next move, he could never let himself stoop down for anyone else, he could never let anyone hurt him, he would never dare have anyone know him or see that special side of him.

All though the day he met a certain pirate, or rather captain he might have just changed his mind on, "stooping down for anyone". After joining captain Luke Peterson's crew in order to find out a mystery about his family, he might as well had started to develop feelings towards the captain. With the help of Luke he was able to get out of the castle without his strict father noticing a thing. They went on to go around the world for a few months, everything went great until... Zander's father started to piece things together, and tried searching for him after he had "disappeared" for around 6 months.

Meanwhile for Zander, Luke was perfect in his eyes. Everything he did, the way he did it, he just adored it. Luke was a responsible person and a great leader, good at fighting and overall a kind and caring person. He was always so good to his crew, he treated them all like family. Zander admired him for that, he always welcomed Zander and made him feel loved, and safe. Luke was a very well known captain in the city that he came from which, coincidentally happened to be the same city Zander and his family ruled over. He was loved and adored by many, but the royal Wickham family wasn't very accepting of him.

Before getting to know him, Zander always envied Luke for his freedom, and how he was able to travel the world with his crew on a ship whenever he wanted to. For Zander it was different, he would usually be trapped in that same old castle, attending his "royal duties" and simply training almost every day and meeting people he really didn't want to even speak to due to his father's rules. He too wanted freedom, he wanted to see the world outside of those dark and grey walls, the closest he'd get was whenever he'd look out the window from his room. He had a great view from up there, and could see the whole center of the city. More importantly, he could see the dock filled with different boats and ships every day. Hoping he'd see a certain captain anytime he looked out his window.

Also, one last thing before you scroll away, I'm having trouble deciding on whether I should turn this AU into its own separate book and continue on with like around 50+ chapters (for example, not promising anything) or if I should just cut it short and keep it as a oneshot in this book...so what do you guys think?

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