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☆Genre: Fluff

|🧣Luke POV:

I opened my eyes as the bright reflection of the sun from the window immediately hit my face, I turned over to the side to find that Zander wasn't there. 'Is he awake already?' I thought to myself. Usually he isn't the type to wake up so early, especially earlier than me since I'm the morning bird in the relationship.

While still not being properly awake I started going down the stairs and I immediately noticed a kind of sweet but delicious smell, it smelled like pancakes. Oh wait a minute, now that explains it. Zander's probably making breakfast in the kitchen. I quickly got to the door of the kitchen and I was correct, he was there.

"Good morning sweetie." I said while smiling. He turned around and greeted me with a warm smile, "Good morning dear." He smiled as he placed a tray of freshly made pancakes on the table. "Did you really get up early and make breakfast?" I asked as I walked up next to him, "Yeah for some reason I got up a lot earlier than usual today, so I decided to make your favorite for breakfast." He said in a sweet tone with a small smile still slightly visible on his face, I could tell he was quite happy even though his bangs covered his eyes while he was looking down at the counter.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I'm so grateful to have such a sweet and caring boyfriend like you, I appreciate it so much how you took the time to do all this for me." I smiled widely as I cupped his face in my hands, he simply chuckled in glee. "Come on now you flatter me too much, it's just pancakes. Besides they're very easy to make!" Zander responded. "Also you might wanna sit down and eat as much as you can before they get cold, there's Canadian syrup in the fridge if you'd like some." I nodded and before I went to take a seat I kissed him on the forehead one more time. He went back to the counter of the kitchen and took off his apron while he continued to clean up the mess from all the ingredients.

I already tasted the pancakes and they are just.. delicious! The Canadian syrup also adds a very great taste to them and it just brings it all perfectly together like harmony. Zander took a seat next to me, he placed his own plate of pancakes in front of himself on the table."So, how do they taste?" He turned to me and asked. I simply smiled and answered with my mouth completely stuffed like some kind of child, "They're absolutely delicious, oh my goodness please make pancakes more often." He laughed quite a lot before responding, "Don't worry I will, just remember not to respond while you're still eating honey." He smiled and kissed my nose. I could practically explode from happiness right now.

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