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I felt a little silly so here's a slight sneak peek of the science/doctor AU (chemically yours) enjoy babes, good night <3

I woke up on the ground, in absolute terror. I slowly got up as I wiped the blood off my face. The number '7' appeared on my palm. "No, no, no. Not again."

I had finally fallen asleep after so long, but little did I know, my slumber would be terribly disrupted. I was completely unconscious the entire time, it was like something else was controlling my body. I got up and headed towards the window, I opened it and quickly climbed out as I turned towards the ladder near it. I slowly started climbing up, still completely unconscious. I finally got to the rooftop. I stood at the edge of the building, then I fell. All I remember was waking up in absolute terror while covered in blood. I know I didn't survive, that's why that strange carving of the number '7' appeared on my palm.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened. This has happened before, every now and then it's like something takes control of my body when I go to sleep and it tries to kill me while I'm completely unconscious. That's actually how I found out about the fact I had 9 lives in the first place, something took control of my body again and threw me in a river. I believe I was in that river for maybe 3 hours, I woke up and got a carving with the number '8' on my palm, and it shortly disappeared. I was supposed to be dead, I was supposed to drown.

After I got home, I went online on internet explorer and did some research. Turns out there's a myth of a few rare people with this "special power" of having usually 9 lives. Guess I was one of those people. Yet I still can't figure out what's trying to kill me every now and then.

I quickly rushed back up to my apartment, I grabbed my phone. I flipped it open and immediately dialed Luke's number. "Pick up, pick up." I was starting to get a little impatient. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't pick up, it was 3am after all. "Zander?" I heard from the other line. Oh thank god.
"Thank god you picked up." I sighed in relief.
"Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?"
"It..happened again. I'm down to my 7th life."
It was silent.
"I'll be there in a few minutes, please, try and stay awake." He requested.
"Okay. I'll leave the door unlocked, I'll be waiting."

After a few minutes, I heard the door open. I turned around and I was greeted with a familiar face. He rushed to my side and immediately embraced me. I hugged back and sunk into his arms. "I can't believe this happened again. Have you been visiting Father Leon this week?" He asked, in full honesty I did. I visited him a few times down in the church this week, however I'm not sure if he's gonna help out. Even though he is a priest, he's a special kind of priest. I guess you could say he also does slightly illegal jobs sometimes and has certain clients with certain reputations. Even though we did chat, and I explained my situation to him, he did give me some suggestions and to just pray. I'm not sure if praying is going to get me far with this.

"I did, but we'll be waiting for a proper solution for a little longer." I answered. He let go of the hug and looked straight at me as he cupped my face, he kissed my forehead. "Listen, I know we'll be moving in together next week. But, your safety is the most important thing to me. Therefore I'm staying here with you until next week, I'll make sure this never happens again. Is that okay with you?" He suggested, he was always so kind and considerate. It truly made me fall in love with him even more every time. "Of course, that's okay with me. I'm more than happy to have you here with me." I replied and kissed his nose. "Here, how about you get some rest now that I'm here? I doubt you've had any proper sleep this week or the other week before." He said as he sat down on my bed patting his hand on the sheets next to him.

"I'd love to, I'm exhausted." I admitted as I sat down next to him and eventually laid down on his lap. He played with my hair, and my eyes eventually started to get heavy.

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