74. All Strings Lead Back Home

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Chapter 74

All Strings Lead Back Home

Third POV

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A/N: Theobeth chapter ;)

Once Annabeth practically collapsed once she touched Theo, I thought, well, I ain't touching him. But when Chiron effortlessly picked up both Theo and Annabeth's unconscious bodies and slung them over his back.

My bad guys.

"Chiron, what exactly is going on. Are they going to be okay?" Tessa asked as we made our hurried exit out of the forest.

"We will do our best, child, but I fear that it's not up to us to wake them," Chiron said as we exited the tree line. There was a group of armed demigods being escorted back towards Camp, almost like they knew what had happened in the forest. And I guess they would've because it probably happened in front of their homes.

We made our way towards the infirmary, which had already been emptied out of demigods, but it looked like someone had gone ahead and prepared two beds for our arrival. With the help of Tessa and I, Chiron slung Theo and Annabeth off his back and placed them on both beds.

Looking down at them, Chiron sighed, "With everything that happened, I didn't think things could get worse."

I frowned and shared a look at Tessa, who blushed and looked away rather guiltily, "What do you mean worse?"

Chiron picked up a beaker from the table next to Annabeth's bed. He tossed water onto the hot plate where we usually warmed the infirmary's bed sheets. Steam billowed up, making a rainbow in the fluorescent lights.

Chiron fished a golden drachma from his pouch, tossed it through the mist, and muttered, "O Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show us the threat." The mist shimmered. I saw the familiar image of a smouldering volcano—Mount St. Helens.

As I watched, the side of the mountain exploded. Fire, ash, and lava rolled out. A newscaster's voice was saying, "—even larger than last year's eruption, and geologists warn that the mountain may not be done." I knew all about last year's eruption. I'd caused it. But this explosion was much worse.

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