70. Theo Has The Easiest Boss Fight (And Still Almost Dies)

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Chapter 70

Theo Had The Easiest Boss Fight (And Still Almost Dies)

Third POV

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A man's laughter echoed down the mountain.

"You're right about that," a voice boomed. At the mouth of the cave stood three people – a boy with an eye patch, another boy with a horribly scarred face and a three-metre tall man in a tattered prison jumpsuit.

The boys, Theo, recognised Ethan Nakamura and Alexander Danielos, both of them sons of Nemesis. Ethan was holding what looked like an unfinished sword – a double-edged blade of black Stygian iron with skeletal designs etched in silver. It had no hilt, but set in the base of the blade was a golden key, just like Theo had seen in Persephone's image.

The key was glowing as if Ethan had already invoked its power. The giant man next to him had eyes of pure silver. His face was covered with a scraggly beard, and his grey hair stuck out wildly. He looked thin and haggard in his ripped prison clothes, as though he'd spent the last few thousand years at the bottom of a pit, but even in this weakened state, he looked plenty scary. He held out his hand, and a giant spear appeared.

Theo remembered what Beckendorf had said about Iapetus: His name means 'the Piercer' because that's what he likes to do to his enemies.

The Titan smiled cruelly. "And now I will destroy you."

"Master!' Alexander interrupted. He was dressed in combat fatigues with a backpack slung over his shoulder. The scars on his face rippled like a stone hitting water. "We have the sword. We should –"

"Yes, yes," the Titan said impatiently. 'You've done well, children."

Both of them scowled; obviously, being called a child whilst face to face with your enemies is such an embarrassing thing, not that Theo could relate to or anything.

Iapetus continued his speech towards the two demigods, "I'm sure my brother Kronos will reward you. But now we have killing to attend to.

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