64. Alone Stood The Warrior

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Chapter 64

Alone Stood The Warrior

Third POV

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Neither moved.

Tessa looked ready to cry, scratch that she was crying. Theo didn't feel much better. He didn't know what to say because what do you say to someone you abandoned, forgot about, and then come back and treat her differently.

A million emotions clouded Theo's mind, and before he could even try to comprehend any of them, he did what he did best: open his dam mouth. "Tessa, I'm so so-"

"Don't," Tessa said almost immediately. "Don't you dare try and say sorry."

Theo frowned, his forehead wrinkled with confusion, "What do you mean?"

Tessa gritted her teeth; she couldn't believe that after everything that Theo had witnessed and after everything that he had done to her, he still tried to act like she was being unreasonable. Well, enough was enough; there was no chance in Hades that Tessa would even consider backing down. She had been put through so much because of this man in front of her... her father.

Having no father figure in her life had made and broken Tessa, and now, after everything, she was finally going to have the moment to tell her father exactly how she felt about him. "You are a worthless, spineless piece of trash!"

Theo was taken aback at this, but a small part of his mind was telling him that he deserved everything that was about to happen, "Tessa, I-"

"No, shut up; this isn't about you!" Tessa snapped, "This is about what you did to me!"

"YOU LEFT ME! YOU LEFT MUM! Do you have any idea what that did to us!? No, you don't! Because while Mum was working three jobs just to get food on the table, you were up on Olympus, probably not even thinking about us!"

Theo remained silent as Tessa continued, "You were a God, and you still did nothing! Nothing for me! Nothing for my mum! You didn't even love her! She was just another one of your playthings, just like Zoe was!"

Theo winced at that last bit, because everything that Tessa had just said was Theo's darkest secret. Lurking in the back of his mind, impossible for him to shake off; it was the ghost of his past and something that he could never reverse.

Tessa had always had a rough idea of what she was going to say if she ever met her Godly father; at one stage, she had written an entire essay of what she was going to say with help from Annabeth; naturally, the blonde girl sharing her pain in family troubles. Tessa's essay always came back to Why did you leave me?

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