ϟ 𝐃𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 ϟ

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Hello my dear readers,

Firstly apologises to all those readers who thought that this was a new chapter, but don't worry you'll get your new chapter soon.

This 'Chapter' is simply an introduction into the book, and the only reason why I'm writing this now is because I forgot about this chapter and I didn't really wanna start the book off with a 'Cast chapter'.

There isn't much to say in terms of introducing this book I like to think that my description of this book is good enough and whatever I don't say here, Theo will say it in his first chapter.

Anyways (Idk what to say I haven't done an introduction chapter b4), but nevertheless I've found something to say. Theo is a character like all of my characters was thought of for a long time, which is what I wanted because I wanted such an intricate and unique backstory as well as a plot for the MC.

Theo however is most likely my greatest creation (Y/N Phoenix RIP). This book is going to be using the plot of the books, but it will use some scenes or dialog from the two crappy movies.

However you might notice some scenes in this book inspired by other movies and books and I mostly likely did do that on purpose. Now I don't want to be the person who copies and pastes every chapter word for word except replacing some of the dialogue and have one different scene to the book every 20 chapters.

Theo and Percy's stories are tangent, and a word of warning now. The Lightning Thief and majority of The Sea Of Monsters will mostly be 'Percy's story' before it does pick up and 'Theo's story' slowly begins and branches off from the main plot line before Theo's story ties itself back up with the big plot at the end.

I must give you a word of warning readers, I will not tolerate hate. You fire shots at me, I'm firing them back at you. IDGAF. I don't spend all this time and effort into create this story just for a bunch of babies to cry over something they don't like.

If you don't like this story shut up and click off, idc I still got the views from you HAH.

Now to my more tolerable but still bro wtf readers, what you see in these chapters is final. I won't do requests for cameos, or make a character do this, or for these two characters to date.

What I do love though is your theories, your thoughts or your ideas. Sometimes I will actually use your ideas in my story if I think that it would actually work well.

Now for a serious moment.

Disclaimer: This book will have mentions of Self Harm, Suicide, Drug Use, Cussing, Violence and/or sexual content. This will mostly likely be your only warning. This story is rated Mature for this very reason. If any of these themes are a concern maybe this ain't the book for you.

So my dear readers it's almost time for this chapter to end and for you to enjoy Theo's adventure. I thank you all for clicking on this book and allowing me to tell you about Theo's story. I'd also like to thank all those who have been there and helped me shape this book. I won't mention you (I've done it to many times), but you know who you are.

Also this book wouldn't have be as popular if it wasn't for @Somethingclever117's PJO book series which was tragically taken away from us. #FuckuWattpad

But now... let's get it on!


I do not own PJO, Uncle Rick does,

If I did Frazel would have a smaller age gap

I do however own Theo and whatever OC's I decide to create.

However everything that isn't from the original PJO books is mine and don't you dare try and copy it. I'll know. Don't think I don't have people who wouldn't let me know.


𝐃𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now