59. Theo and Percy Fight Their (Half) Brother

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Chapter 59

Theo and Percy Fight Their (Half) Brother

Third POV

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The metal door was half hidden behind a laundry bin full of dirty hotel towels. At first glance, you wouldn't really know where to look, but then Rachel pointed it out, and then you would instantly notice the faint blue symbol etched on the wall.

"It hasn't been used in a long time," Annabeth said.

"I tried to open it once," Rachel said, "just out of curiosity. It's rusted shut."

"No." Annabeth stepped forward. "It just needs the touch of a half-blood."

Sure enough, as soon as Annabeth put her hand on the mark, it glowed blue. The metal door unsealed and creaked open, revealing a dark staircase leading down.

"Wow." Rachel looked calm, but Theo could see that she was quite the opposite. But then again, he didn't really blame her. She'd changed into a ratty Museum of Modern Art T-shirt and her regular marker-coloured jeans, her blue plastic hairbrush sticking out of her pocket.

Her red hair was tied back, but she still had flecks of gold in it and traces of gold glitter on her face. "So...after you?"

"You're the guide," Annabeth said with mock politeness. "Lead on."

Theo nudged Annabeth with his shoulder as he walked past after Percy and Rachel, "Stop."

All Annabeth did was shoot him a dirty look and mumble something before she followed behind Theo. The stairs led down to a large brick tunnel. It was so dark you wouldn't be able to see anything unless you had a flashlight, which, luckily, the three demigods brought some from Camp.

As soon as the flashlights were switched on, Rachel yelped. A skeleton was grinning at her. It wasn't human. It was huge, for one thing—at least ten feet tall. It had been strung up, chained by its wrists and ankles, so it made a kind of giant X over the tunnel.

𝐃𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐂Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin