29. On The Contrary, It's Only the Beginning

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Chapter 29

On The Contrary, It's Only the Beginning

Theo POV

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Somehow I lived.

I don't know how but I did.

One second I was floating in an endless bliss and next second I felt myself getting sucked. Not like that my dirty minded friends, get your heads out of the gutters.

I don't really know how to explain it but I'll try my best. Have you ever laid down in the bathtub while the water is getting sucked down the drain? You feel the water slowly getting lower and lower as it seeped down the drain? You feel the weird sensation as the water tickles your skin and soon that skin that was underwater is now exposed to the cold air?

The void shifted, from the black nothingness to a variety of colours it reminded me of that one scene in Charlie in the Chocolate where they go through the chocolate tunnel and they all have the creepy ass colours flashing in their face. That's how I felt.

The colours died down and I found myself sitting down on an old rickety wooden chair across from a fire that was propped in an oil can. Behind me was a city, no doubt New York but the city looked old, deserted like no one had lived there in years. The sky above was a dark purple, mixed in with the grey clouds.

But what was perhaps the creepiest sight was the man wearing all dark robes staring at the flames a little bit to the side of me clutching what looked like a black tablet. Propped up against the hooded mans chair was a scythe, about 6 feet in length.

It took the robed dude a couple seconds to realise that I was there before he jumped up and grabbed his scythe and he gracefully walked over to me. Another thing that sucked was that in whatever the hell vision I was in right now I couldn't move.

The robed man reached me and crouched down so that where I assumed his eyes were would match where my eyes were. Behind his hood there was just darkness, there was no impression that there was a face, no impression that this thing was even human.

After what seemed like ages the man straightened himself and tapped away at his table. It was a couple awkward minutes of this robed man scrolling on his tablet and tapping and typing before he put the tablet down again and 'looked' at me.

𝐃𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now