54. Annabeth Flunks a Test

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Chapter 54

Annabeth Flunks a Test

Third POV

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No one was anxious to travel that night, so they made the collective decision decided to wait until morning. Percy and Theo crashed on the leather couches in Geryon's living room, which was a lot more comfortable than a bedroll in the maze. Still, it didn't make the nightmares any better.

Theo dreamed he was with Luke, walking through the dark palace on top of Mount Tam. It was a real building now—not some half-finished illusion like Theo had seen last winter. Green fires burned in braziers along the walls. The floor was polished black marble. A cold wind blew down the hallway, and above them, through the open ceiling, the sky swirled with grey storm clouds.

Luke was dressed for battle. He wore camouflage pants, a white T-shirt, and a bronze breastplate, but his sword, Backbiter, wasn't at his side—only an empty scabbard. They walked into a large courtyard where dozens of warriors and dracaenae were preparing for war.

When they saw him, the demigods rose to attention. They beat their swords against their shields." Is it time, my lord?" a dracaena asked.

"Soon," Luke promised. "Continue your work."

"My lord," a voice said behind him. Kelli, the empousa, was smiling at him. She wore a blue dress tonight and looked wickedly beautiful. Her eyes flickered—sometimes dark brown, sometimes pure red. Her hair was braided down her back and seemed to catch the light of the torches as if it were anxious to turn back into pure flame.

Theo's heart was pounding. He waited for Kelli to see him and chase him out of the dream as she did before, but this time she didn't notice Theo. "You have a visitor," she told Luke. She stepped aside, and even Luke seemed stunned by what he saw.

The monster Kampê towered above him. Her snakes hissed around her legs. Animal heads growled at her waist. Her swords were drawn, shimmering with poison, and with her bat wings extended, she took up the entire corridor.

"You." Luke's voice sounded a little shaky. "I told you to stay on Alcatraz." Kampê's eyelids blinked sideways like a reptile's. She spoke in that weird rumbling language, and just like before, Theo knew what she was saying: I come to serve. Give me revenge.

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