Sirius's expression remained stoic but inside he was growing even more furious. He harshly yanked himself away from Allegra and Vesper, trying to keep some distance.

"Your words don't prove anything to me, ladies," he said, knowing very well what plans they were doing behind his back. He couldn't believe they dared mess with his belongings.

"Well then, we're going to find that mirror for you, sweetheart," the blonde said, batting her eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes, growing irritated by each passing second. It was like he was going crazy by having to bear their immoral advances.

"Yes, we'll find that mirror wherever it is. I'm sure some servant did it," Vesper added.

He thought for a moment, in what way was he going to punish them this time. But it was better to make them think he ate their lie. A dangerous glint flickered in his eyes as he started to pretend considering their pleas.

"Very well," he said, sitting on his throne again, "for now, I'll let this slide. But remember, betray me again, and the consequences will be severe. Now, leave me be. I have matters to attend to."

The sisters, relieved but still wary, left the chamber. As they exited, Sirius's expression darkened, and a sinister grin played on his lips. They could never outsmart him and he had no intention of letting their betrayal go unpunished.

Meanwhile, they walked to their chambers, each not saying a single word. When they entered the rooms, Allegra sat down and took a deep breath, "Phew, this was close."

"Yes, very close. And because of who? Because of Regan! She's the one who's been causing all that chaos!" Vesper vented.

"Damnit, you're right sis! We have to get rid of her, fast!" Allegra retorted.

Circe, who kept looking at them from the corner, could help but burst out in laughter.

"What the fuck are you laughing at, you nerd?" the blondie sneered venomously.

"Yes, what's your problem? It was us who helped you to get out of Sirius's punishment," Vesper snapped.

Circe crossed her arms in her chest, her face holding a meaningful smirk, "You two are really unbelievable fools. Back then you were beating up each other, now you make foolish plans," she said.

"I see the real fool telling the others. You're just jealous because you're left out, Circe," the blonde smirked back.

"At least I don't throw myself at every guy." Circe said, her voice filled with pride.

"Oh, spare me, Circe. You act like you're so innocent, but we all know about your little crush on Sirius," the blonde taunted with a sly grin.

"Yes, Circe, don't pretend you're immune to his charms. We've all seen the way you used to look at him," Vesper sneered.

Circe scoffed, "Oh, please. That was ages ago. I've moved on, unlike you two, who still throw yourselves at him every chance you get."

"Moved on? You're just bitter because he never noticed you," Allegra shot back, her tone filled with mockery.

Vesper joined the teasing, "Maybe if you weren't so busy with your nose buried in your spell books, you'd have a chance."

Circe rolled her eyes, unbothered by their comments. "You two are delusional. But I'm sure that Sirius will punish us for stealing that mirror. He won't let it slide."

"Oh, please, we can handle Sirius. We've manipulated him before, and we can do it again." Allegra retorted.

Vesper nodded in agreement, "Exactly, Circe. You worry too much. We're always one step ahead."

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