Twenty Six

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I grunted as I lifted our tent in the trunk. I swear this thing is heavier than it looks. "Are you nervous to start school?" I ask Sydney.

"Kind of. I didn't want to overwhelm myself so that's why I picked a community collage but I guess that didn't work. I don't really know what I wanna do and I don't want to waste my time taking classes that I don't end up needing."

"Well that's understandable. I'm in the same boat." I responded.

Sydney got into a community collage near by. She wanted to be close so she can still help me out and be around frequently. I told her she didn't need to do that but she insisted. Tyler decided to take the year off and look for a job.

"It's just frustrating when you see everyone else already knowing what they want you know?"

I laugh to myself. "Half of them will end up changing it. Olivia Gregory wants to be a teacher. Do you think that girl has that kind of patience? Hell no. She got mad at me for taking too long at the drinking fountain."

Sydney laughed nodding her head. "You got a point."

"Alright kiddos hop in. We got an hour drive ahead of us so we better get a move on." Tyler called out to Dylan and Jenna behind him as he walked towards the car.

They both sprinted from the front door to the car. "Cassy when we get there can I make some s'mores?" Jenna asked.

"We have to wait until it's dark to start a fire."

"Awe man. That's gonna take forever." I chuckled kissing the top of her head as she buckled herself in.

Tyler and I turned around as we noticed Sydney taking a quick shot of fireball. "Are you drinking?"

Sydney paused looking at us like she was a deer in the headlights.


I groaned. "Sydney why?"

"Because I'm about to spend an hour in a car with two children who fight about whose favorite color gets to be blue. Do you think I'm gonna do this sober?"

Tyler shrugged. "We are."

"Yea but you guys have stuff to talk about. Me on the other hand have this fireball and Percy Jackson." she smiled holding up a book and 1 more shot of fireball.

I rolled my eyes chuckling to myself. "Whatever. Come on let's go."


Once we arrived at the campsite we immediately started to unpack as it was almost time for night to take over.

"S'mores s'mores s'mores!!!" Jenna chanted with chocolate already smeared across her face.

"Whoa there missy, did you sneak chocolate already?" I put my hands on my hips staring into her guilty eyes.

"Maybe." she looked down at the ground. "Am I in trouble?"

" won't be if you give me the biggest hug and kiss ever." she laughs jumping into my arms.

"Hey babe can you come help me with the tent?" Tyler asked attempting to nail a steak into the ground.

"I'll help." Sydney said putting down her book and walking over to Tyler.

"Miss too good to get dirty in the woods is going to help me?" Tyler raised his eyebrows.

"Shut up." Sydney stuck her tongue out at him bringing another string from the top of the tent down for him to anchor.

As I was unloading our sleeping bags I hear a loud wail coming from the front of the car.

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