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"You can do this babe. They're gonna love you." Tyler turned off the car and squeezed my hand.

I smiled taking a deep breath. "I hope so."

Today is my official interview for Downy University. While I got ready this morning I tried to find the best professional looking outfit I have. I'm wearing a black pencil skirt with a purple blouse tucked in and a black blazer over it. My hair was done up in a sophisticated looking bun with a couple frizzy pieces coming out due to the lack of hairspray. I knew I should've used more.

I pulled down the mirror trying my best to smooth the loose pieces of my hair down. "I should've went with the black earrings. The pearls are too fancy right?"

Tyler grabbed my hands. "You look beautiful. Go knock 'em dead."

I smiled, gave Tyler quick kiss goodbye, and got out of the car.

This is it Cassidy. This is my one shot. Don't fuck it up.

I take a deep breath and straighten my blouse before heading up the heaps of stairs that led to the building.

As soon as I walk in I'm hit with a wave of students and faculty scattered around the entryway that seemed to be one large area with hallways leading out to different directions.

Some students sat in what seemed like a study hall area with their coffee in one hand and computer on the table with textbooks laying beside them.

"You must be Cassidy Andrews." A short heavy set lady approached me reaching her hand out. She looked to be around mid 40's and had her brown hair wrapped up in a bun similar to mine. An instant smell of coffee radiates off of her.

I reach my hand out shaking hers and smiled. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Miss.Smart, head of the admissions department. I was the one who spoke to a Sydney over the phone?" She had a questionable look on her face which I assumed was directed towards Sydney being so persistent on getting me a second interview.

"Yes she's my best friend. I'm sorry about her..." I pause trying to properly phrase this without making Sydney sound like a bitch. "dedication."

Miss.Smart chuckled to herself leading us to her office. "No worries. You're lucky to have her. We could all use a friend like that."

As we walked in her office I immediately noticed the certificates on the wall and a collection of school trophies and ribbons in a glass cabinet.

"Please take a seat." Miss.Smart sat in her desk chair typing something on her keyboard. I sat in one of the leather arm chairs opposite of her.

A couple of minutes goes by as Miss.Smart searches through her computer. I clear my throat starting to grow uncomfortable in this awkward silence.

"So what made you decide to come here at Downy University?"

"Well I know this is a well known school and you offer many scholarships and grants which is something that I could definitely use." I let out a chuckle and quickly covered it up with a cough noticing the straight face Miss.Smart had.

"Um anyways..." I said nonchalantly trying to go back to the question. "I'm just trying to get the best education I can get my hands on before time runs out. I'm not sure what career I want to go into yet but I know you guys have multiple recourses that could help me with that decision."

Miss.Smart smiled and continued typing on her keyboard almost like she's taking notes.

"So I see you have history with being in foster care?"

"Yea, my parents passed when I was fifteen and my siblings and I went into a foster home. That is until I turned seventeen and moved out taking my siblings with me."

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