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"I'll go get the last box." I called out and headed outside. Today is the day Sydney is finally moving in. I'm so excited for today. It couldn't have come faster.

After the date last night I called Sydney immediately. Once I said the word "kiss" I could hear screaming.

Kiss. I kissed Tyler Grey. Can you believe it? I still feel the butterflies in my stomach. I know we used to flirt with each other but I didn't think it would turn into something.

"Sorry, I was gonna grab it but Jenna won't let me leave her side for two seconds." Sydney said holding a guilty looking Jenna.

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "She just loves you, isn't that right Jen?" Jenna nodded her head proudly and hugged Sydney tight.

Dylan and Jenna were raised with Sydney being another older sister figure. "Can you sleep in my room Sydney?"

"I love you but you sleep talk and steal the whole bed." Sydney responded tickling Jenna. She laughed and got down to go play.

Once we got all of Sydney's boxes inside and unpacked we decided to go out for lunch to celebrate.

"Where do you wanna go guys?" I asked as we all loaded into the car.

"LOLA'S!!" Dylan and Jenna screamed from the back. "Really? Can't we choose something else? I just ate there last night. How about Marco's taco truck?" There was a stagger of whines and complaining.  "Ok fine. Lola's it is" I laughed starting the car.


"Can I also have the chicken tender meal but with onion rings instead of fries and a side of ketchup?"

"You got it. Be right back guys." Our waiter smiled and walked off. "You're such a kid. Chicken tenders?" I laughed slightly judging Sydney.

"What? They're really good." I smiled and rolled my eyes. As we waited for our food we played eye spy. That is until Jenna got mad we guessed hers on our first try and didn't want to play anymore.

"Hey I guess someone else is eating Lola's for the second time in a row." Sydney nodded her head towards the door.

Tyler walked in and looked up from his phone smiling. He made his way over.

"Hey guys! What's up?" He looked at the two bickering kids who stopped, looked up at him for 2 seconds and went right back to arguing.

"Sorry, they're tired and hungry." I laughed. "I guess we both really like Lola's? Two days in a row." He smiled, his cute dimples popping out.

"Yea I guess so. My mom wanted to see if the chicken tenders were still as good as we remember them."

"See, I'm not the only one who likes them." Sydney hit my arm and smiled at Tyler. "Thank you Ty. Someone called me a child because I ordered chicken tenders." She narrowed her eyes turning to face me.

I laughed and held my hands up in defense.

"Hey tomorrow my mom has a business meeting." Tyler said changing the subject. "I've been dying to watch that scary movie we talked about. You know, the one that haunted me as a kid?" He said with a laugh. "Do you wanna come over?"

I could feel myself blush again. How could I say no to that cute face?

"Yea I would love to. That's if you can handle it? You aren't still afraid are ya?" I replied with a smirk.

"I guess we'll find out." He winked and walked away.

"Oh my god he did not just ask you out again?! You have to admit he still likes you." Sydney exclaimed gushing with excitement.

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