Twenty One

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"Ok guys she's coming up the walkway. Get ready." Jenna and Dylan each stood on either side of the door holding confetti poppers. I stood next to them holding the cake and Tyler stood by the light switch ready to flip it back on.

"Ok ready...set....NOW!" Sydney was in awe as she was hit with confetti and cheers of welcome home.

"Awe thanks you guys. You guys are too cute."

Jenna jumped into her arms, Dylan hugging her from the side. "I missed you Sydney." Jenna said snuggling into Sydney's grasp.

"I missed you guys too." she said giving each a kiss on the cheek.

"They wanted to surprise you. I'm so glad you're back home. Jenna wouldn't stop asking when you would be here." I laughed.

"I'm glad to be back too. I forgot how hard it was to take care of a whole farm. I probably smell like cow shit don't I?"

"Yea a little." Tyler said shrugging. I gasped as I slapped him on the shoulder. "Don't be rude."

"It's ok. At least I don't have grey hair starting to come in." Tyler instantly jumped in front of the mirror checking his hair.

"You guys are horrible." I said laughing making my way to the kitchen. "Come eat some cake people. Before I eat it all."

We all gathered around the counter each grabbing a piece.

"Sydney did you bring a piggy home?" Jenna asked.

"Jenna pigs are cute and all but they stink. And are very loud when they wanna be. I don't think they make good pets."

"Awe man." she said looking down at her lap.

"Can we get a dog then?" she grinned.

"Nice try Jen but no." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"After cake it's bedtime ok guys?"

Dylan whined. "Please can we stay up with you guys? I don't wanna go to bed yet."

"Sorry bud, it's a school night." I ruffled his hair taking his empty plate and putting it in the sink.

"I promise I'll wake up tomorrow when you tell me to? Please Cassy?"

I laughed. "The last time you said that it took an hour to get you out of bed. Maybe some other night."

After some convincing Dylan and Jenna gave in and went upstairs to go get ready for bed.

"Can Tyler tuck me in?" Jenna asked bouncing up and down. "Pretty please?"

"Sure if it's ok with him."

He nodded. "Come one kiddo. Let's go." He scooped Jenna up onto his shoulders making his way to her room.

"I'll start the dishwasher." Sydney nodded beginning to wipe down the counter.

"Congratulations on Downy by the way. I knew you would get in."

I smiled. "Thanks. Thank you for everything. Without you I wouldn't have been able to get another interview. All of this is because of you and I can't thank you enough."

Sydney came around the counter pulling me into a hug. "They'd be stupid to not let you in. You're like the smartest person I know. You're such a nerd."

I gasped pulling away. "No I'm not."

Tyler walked down the stairs going back to his slice of cake. "You aren't what?" he said with a mouthful.

"A nerd." Sydney said simply.

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