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                       A month later...

"Alright guys times up. Please put your name on your tests and pass them forward." Mr. Bradley says looking up from his desk.

"How do you think you did?" Sydney asked me taking the sticky note with the answers on it off her desk and tossing it in her backpack.

"Good. I would ask you the same question but I think I already know the answer." I laugh.

She held her hands up in defense. "Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. If I don't pass this test my grade will be lowered to a D"

"Maybe you should I don't know...actually study?" I suggest shrugging.

"Eh I was too lazy." She said zipping up her backpack. I laugh doing the same just as the bell rang.

"I know we drove together but Tyler said to meet him at my locker before I leave. Is that ok?"

Sydney nods. "Yea sure, I'm gonna go gossip with Grace and Fiona in the library and pretend we're looking at books."

I roll my eyes and laugh as she skips away.

I open my locker and start to put my books away when I felt hands creep around my waist.

"Hey beautiful." is all I hear as he starts to slowly kiss my neck. I giggle and turn around.

"Hey." I reply starring at his gorgeous brown eyes before his lips graciously connect with mine. Tylers hands reach down to my lower back, our lips moving in sync. Our make out session becomes heavy and intense. I'm so mesmerized by his touch I forgot we were at school standing in the middle of the hallway.

"We should probably save this for another time. Ms.Englewood is really big on pda." I say pulling back.

"It's worth it." Tyler says giving me another long satisfying kiss. He pulls away brushing my long brown hair behind my ears.

I smiled putting my arms around his neck. "What are you doing tonight? I was thinking we can catch a movie. Sydney can watch the kids."

Tyler and I have been going steady for a little over a month now. When he officially asked me to be his girlfriend my heart filled with gratitude and excitement. I'm so thankful for him. He makes me smile during my darkest times. When I'm frustrated or annoyed his presence alone pulls me back to reality.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll pick you up at seven?" He says as he begins to walk towards the doors, my hand firmly in his.

"Yea sure." is all I manage to make out getting distracted by Sam Dildee standing in the corner smiling. I'll never forget how that asshole spread rumors saying I faked my parents death. Ever since the fight with him and Tyler, Sam has gone out of his way just to get under Tyler's skin.

He leaned up from against the wall walking over to us.

"Well well look what we have here. The schools bad boy with his cute attention whore girlfriend."

Tyler pulls me closer to him now standing in front of me. "If you ever fucking call her that again I promise you you'll regret it."

Sam scoffs crossing his arms over his chest. "And what would you possibly do? Punch me again? Let's see you try."

Tyler clenched his jaw and let's go of my hand walking towards Sam with a balled up fist.

"Tyler stop." I say stepping in front of him forcing him to look at me. "Don't sink down to his level. You're better than that."

I glare at Sam. "Why don't you just mind your business and leave us alone asshole."

Sam shrugs with a smile plastered on his face making me uncomfortable. "Have an attitude today don't we? Looks like little miss goody two-shoes now has a backbone."

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