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"Did you take your medicine babe?" Tyler asked loading up the car.

"Yea I took it. You ready?" I say using the window of the car as a mirror to put my hair in a messy pony.

Tyler and I decided we wanted to go to the beach for the day as going to the movies last night clearly didn't happen. Sydney agreed to watch the kids. I know they're gonna love Sydney watching them and being with them all day.

"Yea let's go. We gotta beat traffic."

Sydney walked up from the path to the front door handing me the sunscreen.

"You forgot this on the counter. If you don't use it don't come crying to me saying you have a sunburn. I'll just say I told you so." she shrugged. I laughed giving her a hug.

"Thanks. And thank you for watching the kids. I appreciate it."

"Yea of course. You need some time to relax and forget about stupid drama." I smile kissing her on the cheek.

"We'll probably be back around six or seven."

She nods. "Have fun." is all she says as she heads back into the house. Tyler and I both hop into the car and buckle ourselves in.

We start the 1 hour drive to the beach.


I scream as Tyler came out from under the water scaring me and pulling me down with him.

"Oh my god don't do that. You just gave me a heart attack. And the water is freezing." I say placing my hand on my chest.

"Come on it's not that bad. It feels good." I laugh pushing my hair back and bringing it over my shoulder.

"Are you crazy? It's freezing in here. I knew I should've laid out in the sun a bit more. Just so I can get hot."

"Oh but you already are." Tyler said grabbing my waist from behind pulling me close to him.

"Shut up." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

The lake we're in is shallow. If we stood up the water would meet our mid thigh. We both sit on our knees feeling the waves as they gently push us back and forth.

Tyler flipped me around so I was facing him and pulled my legs around him in a straddle position. I put my arms around his neck and people watched as they all too were enjoying the sun and water.

"Hey babe can I ask you something?" I say out of the blue.

"Sure. What's up?"

"So I've never been to my parents grave. At their burial I didn't even get out of the car. I think I'm ready. Could we possibly go?"

"Yea absolutely. Are you sure?"

I nod knowing that once I say yes I can't take it back. I can do this and if I can't I'm making myself do this. "Alright, we can stop there on the way back home."

I sigh putting my head on his chest. I can hear the beating of his heart as if it's almost white noise that puts me to sleep.

Suddenly he splashes me pulling me under. "Oh you are so going to regret that." I laughed tackling him back under.

After a while of tackling each other and laughing I decided to go back to our chairs set up on the sand.

"I'm gonna go back, do you wanna come with?" Tyler nodded standing up and grabbing my hand in his as we walked to the shore.

"The water is so pretty today. The sun makes it look crystal clear." I smile grabbing my towel and laying back on the chair. I close my eyes, soaking in the warm sun.

All of the sudden Tyler's phone rang and he answered it before standing up and walking away to get some privacy.

I wonder if it's his mom who called him? He seems annoyed as he waves his arm in the air still on the phone.

"Sorry babe, that was just my mom." he says walking back over and sitting down.

"It's ok, everything alright?" I took off my sunglasses and pulled them over resting them on top of my hair and sat up.

"Yea she just called to say she's going on another business trip to New York for a couple months."

My eyes widened. "Months? Jesus that's a long meeting."

Tyler sighed grabbing a water from the cooler. "I think she's seeing some guy there. Whenever she goes to New York she always ends up staying longer than her usual business meetings are."

"How do you feel about that?" I stood up and went over to sit by him. He placed his hand on my thigh looking up at me.

"I don't really know. I guess she deserves better than my dead beat dad but it bothers me just thinking of the possibility that there could eventually be some strange man I don't know living with us."

"I'm sure if your mom ends up seeing someone she'll introduce you guys before even thinking about letting him move in." I suggested trying to keep things positive.

Tyler shrugged putting his water bottle back in the cooler and laying back pulling me with him so I lay comfortably between his legs.

He begins to rub my shoulders tracing small circles with his thumb. "Maybe but I can totally see my mom moving a guy in without talking to me about it."

I grabbed his hand giving it a quick kiss. "Well if things get too uncomfortable just know that you could always stay with me and the kids. We don't have another spare room but I'm totally willing to share mine." I say turning around facing him and wiggling my eyebrows.

He laughs taking the sunglasses off my head and putting them on over his eyes. "How nice of you. I'll take you up on that offer any day."

                     Later that day...

We pull up near the grassy field. I stare out the window not too sure if I'm actually ready or not. I see flowers and teddy bears scattered across multiple tombstones.

I found myself in a trance looking at all of the different grave sites.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tyler asked squeezing my hand. I snap out of my daze and turn to him taking a deep breath.

"Yea. I'm ready."

We got out of the car making our way up to the 2 grave sites sitting next to each other, Tyler keeping a firm grip on my hand.

Here lies Ben and Amber Andrews. Beloved Mother and Father
Ben Andrews; 1979-2019
Amber Andrews; 1984-2019

A tear falls down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. I squeezed Tyler's hand. "I wish they never went into that bakery all for a stupid cake."

Tyler wrapped his arm around me pulling me close. I'll never forget how warm and cozy being in his arms makes me feel. Every time I feel his touch it makes the world stop spinning.

"I know. I do too. I don't care what that asshole says, it was not their fault Cass."

I nodded. "I know. I just wish I could go back in time and stop them from leaving. If I would've known what would happen I would have dragged them back inside and barricaded the door."

"But you didn't. You didn't know and there's nothing you could've done to prevent that. It's not their fault but please don't convince yourself it was yours." Tyler looked at me with his big brown eyes that glimmers in the sunlight.

"I miss them so much Ty. I want my parents back." I begin to allow the tears I've held in to pour. Tyler wraps me into a hug stroking the back of my head. "I know baby. I know."

30 minutes have passed by as I sat in front of their grave in silence. I asked Tyler to go back to the car so I could have a moment alone. He looked at me hesitantly before giving me a quick kiss and walking away.

I stood up running my hand along the tombstones. "I love you guys. I'm sorry I haven't visited sooner but I promise I will now more often. The kids are doing great. We just wish you were here." And with that I walked back to the car.

Tyler put the key in the ignition and turned it before looking at me. "Are you ok?"

I nod smiling. "I am now."

Everything Old Is New AgainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin