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"Wait so he gave you a letter?" I opened my locker putting away my chemistry textbooks.

"Yea did some stupid middle school shit and put it in my locker. I opened it and bam, the note flew out." Sydney said pulling her hair over her shoulder.

"What did it say?" Apparently Ashton wants to get back with Sydney but I know she won't allow that to happen.

"Something about how he's so sorry and he'll never do it again." Sydney said in quotations rolling her eyes.

"He's definitely said that before. Once a cheater always a cheater."

"Yea I know. He's such an idiot." Sydney paused before swinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Well I'm gonna go to the bathroom, meet you by the car?"

"Yea sure." Today has been a long day. Most of my classes had tests today, I dropped my full water bottle on the floor and all over my papers, hot lunch was gone by the time I got to the front of the line, and let's not forget about the Ashton drama.

"Guess who?" I felt hands creep around my eyes. I smiled knowing instantly who it was.

"I don't know. Which boyfriend is this? Tyler, David, or Henry?"

I was spun around to face him. "Ha ha very funny." I laughed as Tyler gave me a slow but passionate kiss. "Sydney's waiting by the car."

"She can wait a little bit longer." Tyler mumbles through kisses.


He put his fingers to my lips shushing me and leaning into my neck giving me chills.

"If you leave a hickey I'm gonna be so pissed." I say giggling at the ticklish sensation. I closed my eyes and leaned my head down letting Tyler take over.

"Get a room." I hear a voice behind Tyler.

Tyler turned around already looking annoyed.

"Why don't you get a life and leave us alone?" Tyler shrugged clinging onto my hand.

Sam rolled his eyes chuckling. "You guys think you're so cute but really you're not. I'm surprised you haven't dropped her yet Tyler. I mean her life is full of drama isn't that right Cassidy?"

Tyler squeezed my hand tighter sending glares to Sam.

"Come on babe. Let's just ignore him and go."

Tyler let go of me slowly walking towards him. "You know what you said to her was a dick move and you're gonna pay for it."

Sam cleared his throat meeting Tyler face to face. "I meant every word."

Tyler instantly pushed Sam back against the lockers. I ran up to his side placing my hand on his shoulder. "Tyler stop. Please."

He looked at me for a couple seconds before letting Sam go. "It's not worth it. You're pathetic ass hits like a child anyways."

I grabbed his hand dragging him away.

"Coward!" Sam called out.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "I swear to god if he even looks at you I'm gonna knock is teeth out."

I opened the school doors walking towards the car where Sydney sat on the ground beside it.

"So will she."

"Hey guys. You ready?" Sydney paused before looking at Tyler. "Damn Ty what crawled up your ass and died?"

I chuckled going around to the passenger door. "We ran into Sam. Tyler almost murdered him in the hallway."

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