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"Please don't. We have children at home. Young children. We just came to get our daughters birthday cake. They need us."

"Give me your wallet!!"


"Please I beg of you."

"Cass, baby wake up..."

"I'll give you to the count of three. 1...2...3"


I gasped jolting awake. Tyler's hands rested on my shoulder gently shaking me as I sat up.

My breathing became rapid. Sweat appeared on my hands and forehead. I cupped my face trying to get some sort of air. I didn't even notice I was hyperventilating.

"Shhhh baby it's ok, it was just a nightmare. Breathe Cassidy." Tyler wrapped his arms around me as I shook in his grasp.

I slow my breathing feeling his warm embrace.

"I was making you coffee when I heard crying and screaming." Tyler said rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry." I open my eyes, the sunlight hitting them as it peaked around my curtains. I don't remember what happened after we left the school. I was so numb and every emotion was drained out of me. All I remember is standing in the entryway of the school with Tyler.

"Don't you ever apologize for something like that. It's not your fault you had a nightmare."

I grabbed Tyler's hands giving him a small smile. "Thank you."

He leans in giving me a kiss on my forehead still gently rubbing circles into my lower back.

"Was it about your parents?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "I haven't had a nightmare about them since their funeral."

"Cassidy I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you more."

I turned to look him in the eyes. "You being here is more than enough." I smiled remembering what he said about the coffee.

"So you mentioned coffee?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He laughed planting a kiss on my lips. "You amaze me Cassidy Andrews."

As I start to get up Tyler frowned pointing to the bed. "Sit back down babe. I'm your personal chef this morning and have a lovely breakfast that I planned to serve to you in bed."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and sat back down. "Tyler you don't have to do that."

"Well too bad. Cause I'm doing it anyways."

I laugh as he walked out of the room. He's too cute. I don't deserve him.

As I finish my chapter in The Hunger Games I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and a quiet "shit" as Tyler came around the corner.

"Ok my love, breakfast is served." He said with a towel around his arm bowing like a waiter.

He sat the tray in front of me that carried a plate with toast, 2 eggs, and a couple pieces of bacon along with a cup of coffee.

I laughed picking up the coffee from the tray

"Thank you." He sits down beside me taking the book off my lap and putting in on the bedside table.

"I may have spilt some coffee on the toast on my way up here but at least it's all still on the plate." He says shrugging.

"Well now I'm interested to see what coffee soaked toast tastes like." I picked up the piece of toast and took a bite.

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