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"Cassidy we don't have to go in if you don't want to. We can totally stay home and watch Greys Anatomy all day."

I laughed. "It's ok Syd. I'm fine. Plus I can't really avoid school forever. I have a bio exam today."

Sydney took a deep breath holding my hand. "Ok, but if you need someone to punch Sam call me."

I smiled hugging her as she went to her first period.

I made Tyler and Sydney promise to not confront Sam today. I don't want to start even more drama and make things worse.

I start walking around the corner when I was pulled into one of the bathrooms. I gasp as a hand grabs my waist spinning me around to look at him.

"Jesus Tyler you scared the shit out of me." I said punching his chest.

"I'm not that scary am I?" He says leaning in giving me a slow but enjoyable kiss.

I pull back smiling. "I have to get to class."

"How are you feeling? Are you sure you're ok being here?" Tyler said looking at me with serious eyes.

"I'm ok I promise. And you promised you wouldn't say anything to Sam. Please don't ok? Just let him be a jerk and ignore him."

"But it's more fun to watch him suffer." Tyler whined.

I laughed. "I'm serious Tyler."

He gave me another long kiss. "I know. I promise."

The bell rang and Tyler and I split ways as I headed to bio. Of course the first person I see walking in is Sam. I avoid eye contact as I sat in the desk I sit at everyday by the window.

Class began and so did our exam. During the whole test I could feel Sam's eyes burning holes through my back.

Finally this long dreaded hour ended and I stopped by my locker grabbing my books for my next class.

"How about you say that to my face." I heard Tyler yell across the hall. I turned around and saw him pushing Sam up against a set of lockers. Sam got out of his grip and sent a fist flying at Tyler.

I ran through the now circle of kids grouped around them.

Tyler grabbed him by the shirt and raised a fist at him before turning his head looking me right in the eyes. Immediately he looked guilty.

I shook my head in disgust and ran to the bathroom.

"Cass wait!" I hear Tyler call after me but it's too late. I opened the bathroom door slamming it behind me and locking it. How could he do this? He promised me and now he just made things worse.

After a couple minutes I hear a knock at the door. "Baby please let me in. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that."

I shook my head sniffling through tears. "Go away Tyler."

"No. I'm not just gonna leave you. If you won't let me in that's fine but I'm not going anywhere Cassidy. I-"

I interrupted him by opening the door pushing him back as hard as I could. "You promised. You promised me you would leave it alone. How could you?"

Tears spilled down my cheeks as I punched Tyler's chest over and over again.

I got so caught up in my anger I didn't realize Tyler grabbed my fists and pulled me into his chest. I cried. I cried harder and harder as he stroked my hair.

"I'm so sorry Cassidy. I just couldn't get over the fact he said that to you. He's an asshole and I couldn't hold back."

"You promised." I said into his chest. He pulled my chin up forcing me to look him in the eyes.

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