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                            3 years later...

"...and then he tried to apologize for cheating. And to think, I was gonna go to the homecoming dance with him. Hell no. Not anymore. Isn't that so stupid? Ugh, I hate boys." Sydney has been going on like this for the past hour. She rolled her eyes turning back to me.

"But at least I still have your birthday to be excited for right?" She nodded her head.

I smiled looking back at her.

"One, I warned you about Asher..." I said laughing and holding a finger out towards her. "And two, it's just a birthday. Nothing special."

Sydney turned to me with an empathetic look on her face. "I know your birthday is difficult for you." She placed her hand on my knee. "We could visit their grave tomorrow if you'd like? I'm sure Dylan and Jenna would love to go?" she suggested.

I looked down at my newly painted nails Sydney just finished for me shaking my head.

The thought of even walking up to their graves made me want to throw up. I've never gained the courage to go. I didn't even attended their burial, I just sat in the car.

"No that's ok. I'll be at Dylan's parent teacher conference anyways. Shit that reminds me, could you watch Jenna tomorrow night?" I ask her trying to avoid talking about my parents.

Sydney knew I was trying to change the topic and respectfully followed. "Sure. I'll come over around four o'clock and help cook dinner. That way you and Dylan can eat before you go and won't be late."

I couldn't put into words how much I love Sydney. She has been with us every step of the way since it happened.

She grieved with us. Sydney is as much of a member of this family as I am. She spent every weekend with us since she was little.

Every holiday she was there. Every birthday. Every annual summer camping trip. She's always been there.

I think she was over at our house more than she was at her own. Her parents and mine were best friends so they were always over doing cookouts and having family nights.

"Thank you so much Syd. I appreciate your help." I replied. She just smiled, nodded her head, and continued painting her toenails.

Not only do I love her, but Dylan and Jenna adore Sydney.

Having someone there for Dylan and Jenna is more important than anything.

After our parents died, we all went to a foster home. Once I became 17 I was able to move out into my own place.

I took Dylan and Jenna with me of course.

I wasn't going to leave them.

The foster home sends somebody once a month. You know, to check up on us and give us bill money, grocery money, stuff like that.

Sydney is always over helping with stuff like dinner or laundry or keeping the kids occupied. She's moving in next week which I'm so thankful for.

I wouldn't be where I am today without Sydney.

Dylan is now 12 and Jenna is 6. They are the sweetest kids ever. I wish my parents could see them now.

"Cassy?" Jenna comes in my room holding a box of mac and cheese.

"Can you make some please? I'm hungry and so is Dylan." she asks.

"Sure. But after we eat you guys have to finish your homework and then it's bedtime ok?"

She nods her head as I get up and pull Sydney into the kitchen with me.

                  A couple hours later...

"Goodnight Dylan." I say kissing his cheek. He smiled and turned off his lamp.

"If you have nightmares again come get me ok?" He nods pulling the covers over his head. "I will Cass. I love you"

"I love you too bud" I smiled and walked out of his room going straight to Jenna's room to do the same with her.

After tucking both kids into bed I sighed and sat on the couch next to Sydney pulling the blanket over my lap ready to watch our classic Twilight movie marathon.

This will be our 5th time watching the whole series. I mean who doesn't wanna see Taylor Lautner shirtless?

"You guys have popcorn?" Sydney asks.

"Duh." I replied with a little sass. She laughed and nudged me in my arm before getting up and going to the kitchen.

"So did you hear?" She asks dumping popcorn into a bowl.

"Hear what?" I popped a piece of popcorn into my mouth before both of us sat back down. Sydney turned to me. "So you know Madison Conley? The girl that wears way too much perfume?" she said emphasizing on the "way".

I laughed and grabbed the remote. "Yeah?"

"Well she told me that Tyler Grey is back."

My mouth dropped in shock.

"Damn really? Wow he's been gone for a while."

Me, Tyler, and Sydney were best friends when we were younger. We did everything together. We were like the three musketeers. Syd and I kinda lost contact with him when he moved to Texas. It's been a couple years since we saw him.

"Yeah I know. I saw him in the hallway at school and girl let me tell you, he's definitely grown up since the last time we saw him." Sydney wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I laughed. Before he left we had a little fling going on but that was a while ago. He probably forgot about that.

"That was a long time ago Syd. I guarantee you he doesn't remember the thing we had"

"Thing? Hun, you used to write your initials in hearts in the back of your notebooks. You guys wrote each other cute love letters all the time. That's more than a "thing"" She said in quotations.

"I mean true but he's probably not into me like that anymore. Plus I'm not looking to date anyone right now."

She held her hands up in defense. "Fine. But promise me you'll at least say hi.

She paused for a minute and gasped. "Or better yet, why don't we throw a birthday party for you?! You know, swimming, music, fireworks. It would be so much fun!! And most importantly, you can hang out with Tyler" She said winking.

I mean I guess that'd be fun. I haven't thrown a party since Jenna's 6th birthday. That wasn't the best party I planned. I tried to make it the best birthday she's ever had. I even ordered a clown and a pony but the night ended with us losing the pony and the clown falling onto the cake.

"I don't know. It would be really fun but I'm not so good when it comes to parties. Remember Jenna's birthday? Plus I don't have a pool and who would watch Jenna and Dylan?"

"You worry too much. I got this." she says rolling her eyes.

"We can have the party at my house. I have a pool and a big backyard and my parents are on a trip for the next couple weeks. We'd have the house to ourselves. You can have your grandma watch the kids. And I'll help with the planning. What do you say?"

She folded her hands bouncing up and down. "Please please please. Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I rolled my eyes and smiled at her immaturity.

"Ok fine. Let's do it." I'm pretty sure she screamed so loud my eardrums bursts.

I guess we're going to have a party.

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