Twenty Three

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"Congratulations. You made it through a week of detention." Tyler said starting the car.

"Thank god. Those were hours of my life I'm never getting back. I finished a whole Harry Potter book in there." I said texting Sydney.

"Damn, you read a whole Harry Potter book in less than a week?" I nodded. "Yea it's a fast read."

"That's a fast read? Last time I finished a book was when I was in fifth grade and it had pictures in it." he laughed.

"Was it Dr.Seuss?"

Tyler hesitated. "Maybe" he said under his breath.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I honestly don't know how you and Sydney have made it this far."

"Well at least I have fun rather sitting and reading the whole library in a day."

"It's a good book. What can I say?" I shrugged.

There was a moment of silence as I scrolled through Instagram before Tyler chimed in again.

"Are the kids home?" he asked stopping at a red light.

"Not yet. Their school doesn't get out until a little bit after ours so we have some time to be kid free." I chuckled.

We made our way back home but not before stopping at Starbucks first. I had to get an iced chai. After surviving a week of detention I think I deserve it.

We pulled into the driveway and started walking up to the front door hearing music blaring from inside.

I walked in and saw Sydney looking over her laptop. She was sitting at the kitchen table with textbooks in front of her and the speaker on full volume.

"Hey how was your last day of detention?" She asked turning the music down.

"It was ok. Mr.Harvey was actually awake this time but sat there and watched Deal or No Deal on his computer." I chuckled grabbing an apple from the kitchen.

Tyler and I sat at the table with Sydney. "Whatcha doing?" Tyler asked.

"Just finished doing this stupid assignment for English. And now I'm homework free for the night." she sighed closing her laptop.

"Lucky, I still have to read a couple chapters and take notes." Tyler said walking over to the game closet. "But that can wait. Wanna play Life?"

"Sure. I was gonna watch Grey's Anatomy but I know the part where Derek dies is coming up and I have to be in the right mindset to watch that." Sydney laughed grabbing a bag of chips.

"I'll get some soda." I jumped gathering a bunch of snacks and drinks, preparing for a fun night of games.


"Damn it I knew I should've taken the less risky path." Sydney mutters giving away her money she's stacked up to Tyler.

"I love money." he simply says organizing the playful colors of each amount of money in front of him.

"You know it's not yours right? You're the banker which means you get to look at a whole pile of money knowing that it isn't yours." Sydney says sticking her tongue out.

I laugh suddenly feeling the exhaustion I get when I don't eat enough.

No one seems to notice until my body collapses on itself from being too weak sending me off my chair and on the ground. As I fell down my head collided with the side of the table giving me an instant migraine.

"Shit Cassidy are you ok?" Tyler asks swiftly moving behind me on the floor placing my head on his lap.

I wince rubbing the back of my head. "Yeah I just...I just need to eat soemthing." I manage to stutter out, my words slurring together.

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