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It's been a week and Sydney still hasn't come out of her room.

Dylan and Jenna were working on a puzzle at the table and I was loading dishes into the dishwasher.

"Guys why don't you both go to the park across the street? Get outside and get some fresh air?"

"Could you come with us? Please?" Jenna pleaded looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"Yea sure, go get some shoes on and we can go"
Both Dylan and Jenna immediately ran to their rooms to get ready. I walked up to Sydney's door knocking quietly.

"Syd?" I heard a quiet voice coming from the other side. "Come in" I opened the door and sat on her bed.

"We're going to the park, do you wanna come with us?" She smiled slightly looking up at me. "Of course I'll go."

"How are you doing?"

"Better than I thought I'd be. I'm now more angry than sad. He's just such an asshole. I should've seen it coming since it's happened once before. I'm so stupid." She lowered her head fidgeting with her nails.

"Hey you are not stupid Syd. He's the stupid one for hurting you because he just lost one of the most beautiful, smart, bad ass woman that has ever existed. I can't promise the next time we see him Tyler won't go all batshit crazy on him. And honestly add me to that list." I smiled holding her hand.

She laughed giving me a hug. "Thank you Cass. I'll probably be the one that makes the first punch."


"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Jenna screamed as she ran up the play structure.

"Got you Dylan." I said tagging Dylan and making him freeze. "Dang it" He said crossing is arms.

"You can't escape this time." Sydney said trapping Jenna in the play structure. "Got you!" she said as Jenna tried to run past her.

"Alright guys that was the last round. We've got to go home and eat some dinner." I said collecting our things.

Dylan and Jenna followed me back to the car, faces red and chests rising rapidly breathing heavy.

"Damn I feel like I just did a five hour workout." Sydney joked stretching before getting in the car. I laughed buckling Jenna in her car seat and opening my door hopping in.

As I started the car my phone buzzed.

"Hey guys, grandma just texted me saying she's coming over to take you guys to the movies. Is that ok?"

"Oooooo can we get popcorn?" Dylan asked.

"And a slurpee?" Jenna followed.

"I'll give you guys money for popcorn and a little extra for you guys to pick what you want. But only a drink or one piece of candy each ok? Nothing more." I said looking into their eyes.

They both nodded and started playing eye spy. We pulled up into the driveway, Jenna and Dylan leaping out of the car and running up to grandma who just pulled in after us.

I walked up handing them each $10. "Have fun guys." I said.

They both gave me a hug and got in the car. "Thanks grandma." I smiled.

"Of course dear. I thought you could use some time to yourself." She kissed me on the cheek and got in the car, turning it on and driving off.

"No kids for the next couple of hours? Sounds like a dream." Sydney laughed looping her arm around mine walking towards the house.

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