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                          A week later...

"Ugh I can't believe her. How could she do this?" I say pulling at my hair.

"Babe calm down. I'm sure she just forgot." Tyler set his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

"Don't Tyler." I warned walking out of my room.

"Cassidy it's not that big of a deal." Tyler followed me out of my room. I paused slowly turning around to look at him.

"Not that big of a deal? Tyler this was my only chance to get an interview. This was my only chance to go to college and do something with my life besides cooking and doing laundry. And there's no way in hell I can get this opportunity again."

Today was my interview with Downy University. Downy is the top ranking college in our state. Getting accepted there is extremely difficult and the chance to even schedule for an interview is really rare and hard to do. They only accept a certain number of applicants every year and if you don't get within that number you're basically done for.

Sydney was meant to come home at 11 o'clock and watch the kids so I could leave and make it to my interview at 1 but she never showed up. It's now 2 and Sydney is no where to be seen.

"Cass you could always apply to different schools. Downy isn't your only option."

I opened my mouth to reply just as Sydney came walking through the door looking down at her phone with a latte in her hand.

"Where the hell were you?"

She looked at me with a puzzled face that showed she had no idea why I was so mad.

"At Starbucks. Why?"

Before I could answer her eyes widened and she gasped. I'm assuming she finally connected the dots.

"Shit please don't say today was your interview."

"Yea it was. And thanks to you I missed it."

"No I swear to god I had it in my calendar for..." she checked her phone and paused. "today."

She set her coffee down walking up to me. "Cassidy I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. Please let me explain..."

I shook my head now more hurt than angry. "I can't believe you Syd. You knew this was my one shot. You knew how bad I not only wanted but needed this. How could you be so selfish?"

"Cassidy please..." She reached out to grab my hand.

"Don't touch me. I can't even look at you right now." I looked at her in disgust as a tear slid down my cheek before I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Before I closed it I overheard Tyler mumble to Sydney.

"I'll go clam her down."

I let out a frustrated groan and jumped in my car. Before I could put the key into the ignition Tyler opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

I don't even bother telling him to get out. I know he won't so I ignore it and pull out of the driveway. Honestly I want his company right now but I won't admit that out loud.

"Cassidy..." Tyler trailed off before I interrupted him.

"Tyler what do I do? This was the most important day of my life that can determine my future but now it's gone."

"I know what she did wasn't ok but Downy is one out of the hundred colleges you can apply to." He said setting his hand on my thigh.

"None of them are like Downy. Downy offers so many more scholarships than any other school. There's no way I can pay for college without some sort of scholarship or grant. I have two kids to take care of. Shit I can't even buy them new shoes let alone pay for four years of college."

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