Twenty Two

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"You got detention too?" I asked Tyler as he came out of the office holding the pink slip.

"Guess we'll be detention buddies." he said.

I chuckled to myself. "I shouldn't be laughing. I've never gotten in trouble before."

Tyler grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at him. "You should be proud of yourself. Who cares if you have a little detention. You finally shut that bastard up and stood up for yourself. And can I just say, you've never been as hot as you were just then."

I laughed pushing him back. "Shut up."

I suddenly looked up at saw Sydney jogging towards me.

"Holy shit that was the best fucking thing I've seen this year." she said out of breath. "I am so happy right now. Thank god someone put him in his place."

You can tell just by looking at her that she enjoyed every minute of what just happened. Her smile was so big you could see it from a mile away.

"Guys this isn't funny." I said not being able to hold a laugh in myself.

"Are you kidding me? I wish I recorded it. I'm gonna have to ask people to send me the videos because I will treasure it forever."

Sydney took the pink slip out of my hand. "Damn and you got detention? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

I laughed grabbing the slip back. "I have to admit it felt so good to hit him but now I have detention."

Tyler wrapped his arm around me pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry. I'll teach you everything I know about detention. Rule number one, don't take it too seriously. Mr.Harvey sleeps through it anyways so all we do is scribble on paper and play Uno."

Sydney nodded. "It's true. One time I asked to go to the bathroom and never came back. Mr.Harvey didn't even notice I was gone."

I laughed. That sounds about right. Mr.Harvey is one of the oldest teachers here. I don't know why he still works here. He doesn't do anything besides sleep and play crossword in the newspaper.

"Shouldn't you guys be in class?" Ms.Englewood came up to us holding a clipboard, looking over her glasses.

We nodded our heads and scurried off to our next class.

"So what do you wanna do tonight? I thought about seeing a movie but there's no good movies playing right now." Tyler said throwing a paper ball into the trash.

I sighed leaning back in my desk. "I don't know. We could go to the bowling alley? I heard they have free pizza until eleven?"

"Sounds good. I have to say I used to be in a league so watch out."

I laughed. "Yea in the second grade. Your team was called The Bowling Buddies."

"Hey don't hate on The Bowling Buddies. We won a game without bumpers once."

I rolled my eyes throwing a pencil at him.

Other than Tyler and I there were 4 other people in detention. Like they said, Mr.Harvey was knocked out on his desk with a sudoku puzzle underneath him that was slowly being soaked with drool.

"Did you really punch him?" Grace Wildrop asked moving to the desk behind me.

I nodded my hand. "Yep. Best thing I've ever done."

"Damn Cass, after seeing the results I do not wanna mess with you."

I laughed. "I like you Grace so I think you're in the clear."

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