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The alarm clock continuously rang for a good 5 minutes before I gathered the strength to turn it off.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I said to Tyler slamming him with a pillow.

"That's not the way you should wake up your sleeping boyfriend." he mumbled under the covers.

I laughed. "Well too bad. I got shit to do and I'm dragging you with me."

Today is the day Sydney comes home. The kids want to decorate the place and bake a cake so I told them I have errands to run and then I'll pick them up at grandmas later so we can decorate.

"The kids are gone. Grandma picked them up early this morning." I said standing up and yawning.

"So that's why you got out of bed at seven." Tyler said sitting up. His hair was messily ruffled and he was shirtless. What a way to wake up.

Tyler raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Like what you see?"

I nodded my head. He stood up from the bed slowly walking towards me with a playful look in his eyes.

"I absolutely love the view babe but we have to get going. I have stuff to do." I said blushing.

"What if I do this?" He spun me around and started to rub my shoulders, his breath tickling my ear.

"Or maybe this?" He started to kiss my shoulder trailing up to my neck. I closed my eyes slowly falling into his trance.

"No." I jumped away smiling. "I know what you're trying to do Tyler Grey. It's tempting but no. We have to get ready." I warned. He groaned going into my closet.

"Fine. But you owe me."

"Hey last night was what you get. You left a hickey. I'm mad at you." I laughed giving him a quick kiss and going to the kitchen. I started the coffee pot and went to take out a load of laundry from the dryer.

"Shit." A wave of dizziness came over me as I bent down and I instantly yelled for Tyler.

"Ugh this is so annoying." I groaned sliding down on the floor leaning against the wall.

I've learned how to control my dizzy spells more now that I experience them a lot. I now know to lean against something and take deep breaths. Of course opening my eyes would cause the room to spin so I keep them closed. And if I happen to faint Tyler and Sydney both know to lay me on a flat surface and give me some time to wake up.

Splashing water on my face helps too. One time Sydney woke me up by dumping a bucket filled with ice cold water on me. I swear to god I got hypothermia.

"Yea babe?" Tyler came around the corner and noticed me on the floor. Without me saying anything he knew what to do.

"Fuck. Hold on baby." He ran to the bathroom to grab my medicine.

"Hurry please!" I yell. Fighting the state of unconsciousness is the hardest thing to do. As soon as that feeling hits it doesn't take long to over come my body and there's really nothing I can do about it.

"Here." He crouched down next to me handing me the pills and a glass of water. "Thank you."

"This is so fucking annoying. It's like my body stops working and I can't fix it." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He placed his hand on my thigh. "I know baby. I'm sorry."

"God my head hurts so bad. This causes the worst migraines I swear. And they take so long to go away." I said squinting my eyes applying pressure to my forehead.

"I'll go grab a wet washcloth. Hold on Cass."

He came back, carefully laid me down on his lap, and pressed a cold washcloth on my forehead.

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