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"Corny ass motherfucker," Iwaizumi calls his friend as Mitsuno leads the way to the back of her store. "Now you know the password to our entrance. Consider yourself special."

As you follow their lead, you do your best to ignore the curious stares from other customers milling around the displays. The familiar green curtain comes into view, and as you step through it, hand in hand with Asa, you find the workbench reminiscent of your previous encounter here with Tetsurou.

"Good luck," Mitsuno murmurs from behind the curtain, not venturing any further. "Especially you, little one."

Asa lifts her chin, trying to exude confidence despite her unease. "It's Little Tiger!"

"Alright, let's go," you gently tug Asa's hand, silently apologizing to Mitsuno before following the two boys.

Iwaizumi takes the lead, pushing the tailor's work table aside to reveal the trap door below. "There's a short ladder leading to a staircase," he explains, opening the door to reveal darkness. "Then a hallway that leads to the ring. Just a heads up."

Carefully, Iwaizumi descends the ladder, vanishing into the depths below. Oikawa turns to Asa. "Afraid of the dark?"

Asa gulps. "A little."

Leaning down to her eye level, Oikawa gives her a small, comforting grin. "No need to be scared of anything when you got me, your sister, and my big broody boyfriend."

"I'm not your boyfriend!" Iwaizumi's voice echoes from the tunnel, making you and Asa share a laugh.

Oikawa then offers his hand to your sister, who hesitantly accepts it. Though Asa's just met him, there's something about his smile, his charm, and the gentle grip on her hand that tells her he's trustworthy. "Iwa-chan! Asa-chan's coming next! Make sure she lands safe and sound!" Oikawa calls down the tunnel with a cheerful tone.

"Will do!"

With a wink that makes Asa giggle, Oikawa assists her onto the ladder, giving her instructions on descending safely. Once Iwaizumi confirms her landing, Oikawa offers his hand to you.

"Thank you, for all of this," you tell Oikawa as you get your footing on the ladder. "I owe you one."

"Ah, no need! Just promise that Iwa-chan and I will be invited to the wedding, okay?" His comment causes you to pause mid-ladder climb, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, didn't think I noticed you using Kuroo-chan's first name?"

You let out a quiet chuckle, like you still can't believe it yourself. "We're actually official now."

Oikawa gasps dramatically as he places a hand over his heart. "Oh my God! Since when? You need to tell me all of the details!"

Descending the ladder takes longer than usual, primarily due to Oikawa's uncontainable excitement and barrage of questions about your relationship with Tetsurou. You provide him with a brief summary of the date and recount the pivotal moment Tetsurou asked the official question on the Shibuya observation deck.

"How romantic! I didn't know Kuroo had it in him," Oikawa says as he nudges Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan! You should congratulate our friend!"

Grumbling under his breath, Iwaizumi suppresses the urge to pull away. Despite secretly enjoying Oikawa's constant company, he'll never have the guts to admit it. "Congrats to you and Kuroo."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now