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When Bokuto suggested to Kuroo that they adopt a pet, he instantly knew that it would be a bad idea. In order to test out Bokuto's skills and commitment to another living thing besides himself, Kuroo bought a few house plants for his friend to attend to.

But, Kuroo just so happened to leave out the small detail that all the plants he bought were fake — The real ones won't last a day, Kuroo thought as he scanned the potted plants, then moved to the aisle where the plastic ones were.

Water sloshes inside the can as Bokuto lifts and bends his arm, feeding the fake heart-leafed plant. If only he bothered to touch their leaves, he would know that it was made of rubber.

"Bokuto-san," Akaashi steps around the corner, watching his friend water a plant that didn't need any. "I told you already. All the plants that Kuroo bought you are fake."

Bokuto kisses his teeth. "No, they're not," he denies. "Is it so hard to believe that these plants are actually alive and look healthy because of me?" Even when the water visibly begins to rise, almost reaching the brim of the pot, he pours just enough before any can spill out.

With a tired sigh, Akaashi turns back into the kitchen. "Bea-san," feeling himself give up, he calls for Bokuto's boxing manager. "Please, go help your boyfriend. He's losing his mind... again."

Of course, Bea thinks as she shoves the chopsticks she was using to stir ramen into Akaashi's chest. "Just keep an eye on that," she says over her shoulder, eyeing the boiling pot on the stove. "You can have some when the Nekoma boys arrive."

Akaashi nods, but she doesn't see it as she walks down the short hallway leading to the front door. Bokuto is already done watering the plant when she approaches him, takes the watering can out of his hands, and places it on the floor.

When she straightens, she finds a goofy look on her boyfriend's face. "I know you love your plants," she whispers as she places a gentle hand on his shoulder, "so, if watering them daily keeps you happy, then keep doing it."

Bokuto smiles widely, just before the front door opens and hits his back, knocking the thank you out of his mouth. "Ow," he groans and takes a step to the right. "It better be who I think it is."

And to his expectations, it is.

Kuroo peeps his head through the crack of the door. His eyes land on Bea first, and when he looks over at Bokuto, he pushes the door completely open, rushes inside, and engulfs him in a bone crushing hug. "Bokuto!"

"Hey—" he tries to speak, but he loses his breath when the rest of Kuroo's team barges inside, nearly knocking him off his feet.

Bea, with her arms crossed over her chest, watches as the boys crowd around Bokuto. They make sure to acknowledge her as well, giving her a side hug or a small bow before finding their way to the kitchen where Akaashi waits.

"It's always gonna be like this with you two, huh?" She asks the two captains, gesturing to all of them with a wave of her hand. "It's like you forget that you two live together and see each other every damn day."

Kuroo dips his head — a running joke that he has with her. "Nice to see you too, Bea-san."

"No need to do that," she waves him off when he bows again. "Where's Kenma? I didn't see him come in."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now