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A few scattered passengers occupy the station, patiently awaiting the arrival of the next train. Fortunately, you and Kuroo reach the platform just as the train screeches to a halt, its doors opening and inviting you inside.

Instinctively, Kuroo takes your hand and guides you through the doors. Navigating the train car takes a bit of stumbling, but soon you both find your seats. Then, silence descends. The weight of dealing with your father, the team, your sister, and The Bloodhounds, coupled with the swirling possibilities of what the future might hold leaves your mind in a whirl.

"You're hella quiet," Kuroo breaks your train of thought with a nudge to your side. "What's on your mind?"

"Everything," you reply with a hint of exhaustion, prompting Kuroo to reach for your hand. He holds it, his thumb tracing comforting circles in your palm. "Our team, my family, The Bloodhounds... and you..."

Kuroo smiles, still fixated on your hand as he interlocks his fingers with yours. "And what about me?"

"You know," you begin, shifting your gaze to find him still observing your hands with a grin, "I mean us, Kuroo." This is when you withdraw your hand from his grip, compelling him to meet your eyes. "Friends don't do the things we do. They don't casually kiss, hold hands, and flirt with each other."

Kuroo, even after listening to what you just said, can't resist sneaking glances at your lips. He acknowledges that he'll never forget the kisses you two had at Oikawa's party and outside his house. Though brief, they were the most intimate moments he's ever experienced with a girl that he cares deeply about.

He sighs softly. "I know," he eventually replies, folding his hands respectfully.

And you notice, now regretting ever tearing your hand away from his. "Then, what are we?"

Not really knowing the answer himself, Kuroo shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know," he confesses, sensing your mood dropping. "But, I do know that what we have is more than just friendship."

You lean into his side, press your arm against his, and take his hand back into yours. This time, you trace soothing circles into his palm with your thumb, mirroring the gesture he did for you earlier.

"I've never had a girlfriend before," Kuroo admits, his voice trembling slightly.

"And I've never had a boyfriend before," you reveal, finding it difficult to talk with a guy who just confessed to sharing his first intimate moments with you. It's special, knowing you are each other's first, but it's also nerve wracking.

Relationships don't come with instruction manuals. You don't know how to navigate one, how to keep it thriving, or even where to begin. But, that's also the exciting part. It's the first time. It's a new thing to experience and explore alongside someone. It's a new journey that you won't venture alone, but with someone you care for.

"I really like you, Kuroo," you confess, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. "But, with everything going on in our lives, I don't think I can fully commit myself to a romantic relationship right now."

Kuroo's grin slowly fades, feeling a twist in his chest as your words settle in. He was hoping for a different response. "I understand," he says, interlacing your fingers once more. "Well, I hope that when our lives get a little less chaotic, we can explore what could become of us."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now