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Kuroo beckons with a wave, signalling for you and Mori to join him down the remaining stretch of the corridor. The distant thumping of music grows more pronounced as you get nearer.

"Your first Oikawa afterparty," he remarks, his features morphing into a teasing smirk. "Just a word of advice: tread carefully when it comes to your choices tonight." Then, he pushes the double doors open.

The room pulsates with electric energy. At one side of the room stands a vibrant bar, a kaleidoscope of colourful drinks adorned with hints of spirits. The air is charged with loud music reverberating through the atmosphere, weaving its rhythm into the people dancing on the floor.

Flashing lights paint the room in hues that shift like the waves, casting an ever-changing glow on the faces of those who are here to celebrate. In the center, a dance floor composed of illuminated panels transforms into a cascade of light, inviting bodies to sway and lose themselves in the music. Above, a small disco ball dangles from the ceiling, its reflections casting shimmering constellations across the floor and walls.

There's also clusters of tables, surrounded with cushioned couches. Here, friends gather in hushed tones as they share bottles and shots and whatever drugs Oikawa has brought. And multitude of figures weave through the entire scene: some hold drinks, toasting to the victor, others lounge by tables, enveloped in conversation, and a few surrender to the rhythm, bodies intertwining in a drunk dance.

"Wow," you say, your eyes darting around the bright room. "This is quite the scene."

Kuroo leans from one foot to the other, trying to scout out Oikawa in the crowd. "Follow me!" he shouts over the thumping music, his grip firm as he takes hold of your arm, leading the way with Mori trailing close behind. "Oh, and Mori-sensei?"

"Yeah?" Mori responds with a shout from behind you.

"You have to check Oikawa's nose," Kuroo hollers back, his nod towards Mori indicating something significant. "He took quite a hit, and his nose was bleeding like crazy."

Mori sighs behind you, despite feeling slightly shocked that Atsumu was able to land a hit on The King's face. "I'm both impressed and not surprised at all."

You survey the pulsating crowd, searching for another familiar face amidst the sea of partygoers. However, you only find strangers.

The mingling aroma of alcohol and sugary concoctions weaves through the air, intermingling with the tang of sweat, momentarily overwhelming your senses. The lights flash and move, casting an ever-shifting tapestry across the room, playing with your vision in captivating patterns. It's a sensory overload that heightens the intensity of the moment.

Instinctively, you clutch onto Kuroo's arm, seeking an anchor and guidance. The lively chaos of the party swirls around you, a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and scents. In this dynamic place, you find solace in his presence, a reassuring constant that you cling to.

"Where is the fucker?" Kuroo mutters to himself, his grip on your arm tightening as he nearly pulls you into his side. Then, a touch lands on his shoulder, prompting him to turn.

There stands Oikawa, a drink in one hand and a tissue pressed to his nose with the other. "Hey!" he exclaims, swiftly engulfing Kuroo in a hug, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. "Where the hell have you been?"

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now