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As the Mori brothers try to handle the cops on one side of the bakery, you and your team create commotion on the other side, pushing and shoving down a familiar dark hall. You bump into the wall as you take a right, then nearly trip as you make a left. It's when you see the door leading down, you stop in your tracks.

Kenma has started making his way, trying to catch up to his team and leaving you and the captain behind. "Something wrong?" Kuroo mumbles from behind you, waiting for you to continue moving. Normally, he'd hurry after them, but no team member deserves to be left behind.

With a deep breath, you turn to him. "My dad," your voice shakes, "I think I heard him."

Kuroo blinks, feeling unsure of whether he heard you right or not. "What?"

"I think my dad is one of the cops talking to the Mori brothers right now." You're already turning around, wanting to go back to the front of the shop and save the brothers from your father, but Kuroo's hand is on your shoulder, bringing you back around. "Stop, I need to help them!"

"No, you don't!" Both of Kuroo's hands are on your now, guiding you back to the door and down the dark, narrow staircase. "We have to trust that the brothers can handle it on their own. And, we have priorities."

When you make it to the bottom of the stairs, you find the last door already opened. The music is loud enough to boom and echo through the staircase, the bass playing with your heartbeat.

"Holy shit—" you gasp as Kuroo pushes on, dragging you through the door and into the stadium. Everything looks the same, a large circular room with flashing lights, an overflowing crowd filling the upper and lower levels, and a boxing ring sitting in the middle of the entire place.

Rays of different coloured lights travel throughout the stadium, the flash and speed of it all making your head spin. There's too many people, too many bodies that when you finally collect yourself, you notice that Kuroo is no longer behind you.

You turn to the right, then turn to the left. He's still nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck," you say under your breath. Did I really lose him in the crowd? "Kur—" There's a tug on your arm so strong that you wince. Whoever has your arm is moving fast, not caring for the other people on the stairs as they make their way through the lower levels. "Hey!"

"Sorry, we gotta go!" At least Kuroo has the decency to apologize, and he continues to apologize to the people he's bumping into on the way down. They turn with irritated looks, some even curse out. But once they see that it's The Black Jaguar and his manager, they all move out of the way and form a path.

You're astonished at how the people move here. If it were only you rushing down these steps, then these people would have shown no mercy — Maybe they would've gone as far as to trample over you, just for the sake of their own entertainment.

It seems everyone in the UR is cutthroat, not just their fighters.

Finally reaching the bottom platform and rejoining with the rest of his team, Kuroo releases your arm. "Finally," he sighs with a smile while you struggle to catch your breath from the small sprint. "Where are our friends?"

"Over there," Yamamoto replies, pointing over to a row of seats. Akaashi sits next to a traumatized looking Bokuto, an arm draped over his friend's back as he whispers it's okay to him, over and over.

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن