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The girls bathroom backstage has a standard of cleanliness unlike any other public restroom you've encountered, mainly due to the rare presence of girls who make it this far in the UR. Only those fortunate enough to hold the title of boxing managers or those who have close relationships with the fighters ever make it here.

After flushing the toilet, you quietly leave the stall. No other sounds have accompanied you, and the assumption that you're alone is strong until your eyes land upon Bea.

She leans forward on the sink counter, her attention absorbed in the application of red lipstick. When she finishes, she tucks a strand of her pink hair behind her ear and looks at you through the mirror, her stare sharp and cutting.

The ensuing silence bears a weight of discomfort and unspoken judgments. After a brief pause, you try to bridge the gap with your voice. "Hey, Bea."

Her gaze sweeps over you, a quick yet assessing scrutiny before she redirects her attention to her own reflection in the mirror. "Hello," she utters in a voice that barely grazes the air.

You move with measured steps toward the row of sinks, making sure to maintain a gap between you and Bea. The weight of her observation accompanies you as you wet your hands, lather them with soap, and rinse them off.

When you finish, you dry your hands off with paper towels, toss them into the trash, and keep your gaze fixed on the floor, an attempt to shield yourself from the unexplained chill between you and Bea. The root of her cold attitude remains a mystery. You've replayed your interactions, sifted through conversations, and yet, you don't understand why she has an attitude.

"Wait," her voice slices through the air and halts your exit. Slowly, you turn and look up, meeting her icy blue eyes. She inhales deeply, taming her patience before slowly exhaling. "Come here."

You hesitate at first, not knowing what she wants from you. Bea can definitely harbour the audacity to harm or humiliate you before Oikawa's afterparty. But when you stop in front of her, she tilts her head and studies your face, dissecting all of your features with her eyes.

You gulp nervously. "Is there something wrong?" The question rises hesitantly from your lips, the air clinging to your words.

"Yes," her response is swift, without a moment's pause. Reaching back into her purse, she takes out her red lipstick and holds it out to you. "You should at least try and put some effort into your appearance," she suggests, a pinch of politeness barely masking her bluntness from before. Then she pivots. "I mean that in the most respectful way."

The change in Bea's demeanor hasn't been spontaneous. Akaashi had a private conversation with Bea that led her to confront her own attitude towards you. For Bea, Akaashi's words held significance beyond measure, his observations cutting through her defenses and revealing the need for change.

You look at the lipstick in her hand, and back at her eyes, not knowing whether she was being serious or not. "What?"

Her jaw clenches and she blinks as she tries to keep her composure. "Take the lipstick," she mutters, opening your hand and placing the lipstick firmly in your palm. "Make yourself look decent."

She withdraws with a step back, her eyes steady as they rest upon you and await your response. To avoid unsettling her further, you uncap the lipstick, lean toward the counter, and do as she said. The color applies smoothly, a creamy red that matches your jacket.

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now