015 | 𝐑𝐄𝐃 & 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄

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After keeping your promise to watch a movie with Asa and waiting for her to fall asleep on the couch, you grab your Nekoma jacket, head out the door, and make a run for the next train going southbound.

You don't mind that you're running late, despite knowing that the rest of the team will probably give you shit for it. Better to fulfill your father's empty promise to your sister than leave her alone at home without a single word.

The trains are more packed this evening. More stops are made between the stations, inevitable delays that occur with every rush hour. People push and shove, squeeze and squish into the already full train, as if it isn't full enough, and the smell of sweaty bodies makes your head spin.

Even with all of the volleyball practices — and all of the boxing preparation on the side — you still haven't gotten used to this special kind of stench.

After a few more agonizing minutes spent standing on the train, you push through the crowd and get off at your stop. You run through the station, find the nearest escalators leading to the street, and take them two at a time.

Once you reach the top, you're met with a gust of wind and the busy city life. People flood the sidewalks and streets, and the sounds are overwhelming with honking cars, chatter, and music coming from all around. You have to close your eyes, shutting out the flashy billboards and headlights as you collect yourself with a deep breath. Then, you open your eyes, find the crosswalk countdown, and start moving.

You hate that you're running again, only this time, you're caught in the middle of the massive square, surrounded by vehicles, buildings, and strangers. The shops and signs look familiar, landmarks that you're able to piece together and form a path to Carlo's Taiyaki Stand.

Nearly stumbling over your steps, you make it to the other side of the street. The night hasn't even started and yet, there's so much adrenaline in your bloodstream, sending you into another sprint down the pavement and towards a group of boys dressed in red uniforms.

"God, these are the best," Lev says through a bite of his chocolate filled pastry. The rest of his teammates munch on their own, thanks to their captain. "You gonna watch the match tonight?"

Carlo huffs out a sigh. "Nah. Someone's gotta feed Tokyo," he says, then laughs — more like wheezes, a sound that has the entire team giving each other looks before they break out into laughter. The only one who remains calm, leaning back with his elbows resting on the windowsill is Kuroo, with his eyes scanning the crowd in search of you.

"Hey, Kenma, can I have yours?" Yamamoto asks the cornerman, and he doesn't wait for an answer, already yanking the paper bag out of his hands. "It's not like you're gonna eat it anyway."

Luckily, it was Kenma that Yamamoto was stealing the dessert from. If it were another one of his teammates, then a fight would have broken out, right here in the middle of what is now known as a patrol hotspot.

"You should've asked before taking it," Kai tells Yamamoto calmly, and he takes a step back when he gets a warning look in return. "Hey," Kai raises his hands in defense, "just saying."

"Well, I did ask," Yamamoto smirks before scarfing down the rest of the pastry. All Kenma does is watch with a pout.

"But you didn't wait for an answer."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt