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"He's just being protective," Kuroo says, holding Carlo's note in his hand. Upon arriving at his place, the first thing you did was settle Asa in front of the TV, play her favorite anime, and pull Kuroo into the kitchen for a quiet conversation. "I don't blame him. She's only a child."

"I don't either, but what makes him think that I'm trying to introduce her to The UR?" wonder aloud, slumping against the counter. Kuroo joins you, matching your posture and lightly resting his arm against yours. "I'm not. Trust me, I'm not."

"I know."

It's evident that Carlo's coldness toward you hasn't thawed, unlike Mori's and Bea's. You guess that it might take more time for him to warm up to you, if he ever does. "I don't know why he hates me so much."

Kuroo chuckles awkwardly. "It's probably because the last time he saw you, the chief paid him a visit and basically interrogated him."

You sigh heavily. "You're right. I completely forgot about that."

Then, Asa's laughter interrupts your conversation. "I wish I could be like her! She's so cool and sooo funny!" Asa exclaims, pointing at the small pink-haired girl on the TV screen. "She's got these special powers that let her read minds, and her Papa is a spy, and her Mama is an assassin! How cool is that?"

"That does sound really cool," Kuroo replies, smiling at her over his shoulder before turning to you and whispering, "If having kids is anything like this, then I want at least five."

"Five?" you sputter, and he nods with a devilish smirk. "Easy for you to say."

Another interruption abruptly halts your conversation, this time emanating from the front door. It swings open, ushering in the loud chatter of your teammates as they organize their shoes and discuss Yamamoto's upcoming fight.

Asa's giggles suddenly vanish, replaced by fear. She hurriedly pauses her anime, jumps off the couch, and rushes to you and Kuroo in the kitchen. "Who's here?"

"I texted the team that we skipped," Kuroo explains. "So, they said that they're gonna skip as well and meet us here."

Asa clings to your leg, seeking refuge behind your body. "Don't worry," you reassure her, then gaze toward the hallway, anticipating the impending chaos the boys will bring. "I guess we're a bad influence for them, huh?"

"They love us either way," Kuroo says, giving your back a light pat before he strides past the kitchen and positions himself at the end of the hall, offering his friends a warm welcome. "Taiyaki is on the kitchen counter!"

The boys erupt in cheers, clapping and whooping as they file past their captain and into the kitchen. They all greet you, some enveloping you in a hug while others express their thanks to you and Kuroo for the treat. However, they all overlook the small child still clutching your leg.

Asa peeks out from behind you, her eyes widening as she gazes at the unfamiliar faces. Their voices blend into a loud mess, making her anxiety soar. "Oneesan?"

You soothe her, then hoist her up into your arms and seat her on the counter beside the taiyaki boxes. She freezes, perched on the counter, her gaze locking with the other bewildered eyes fixed on her. "Boys, meet Asa," you introduce with a sweeping gesture. "She's my little sister."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now