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Sneakers squeak against the wooden floor of the large gymnasium. Peeking inside, you find a group of boys wearing red and black uniforms standing in a single line with white numbers printed on their backs and chests. Their jerseys are sleeveless, putting their toned arms on full display as they take turns spiking volleyballs over a net ― except for one.

The blonde boy from the train stands closest to the net. He adjusts the black sleeves on his elbows before holding his hands over his head, knees slightly bending, ready to set any ball that comes his way.

The boys range in different heights. The tallest has silver hair, and he stands awkward and lanky. You watch him pass a volleyball to the setter. Jogging towards the net, the lanky boy leaps and raises his arm back, aiming to hit the perfect toss.

He swings and misses painfully.

"I thought I had it that time," he says shamefully, "Sorry about that." Everyone seems content, giving him reassuring smiles and hype, but the small setter looks visibly annoyed.

"Hey, you!" A boy with a blonde mohawk shouts, pointing a finger in your direction, "Who the hell are you?"

His angry stare sends a chill down your spine. A thin layer of sweat forms on your palms when everyone glances over. You take a cautious step inside. "Sorry for interrupting. I'm looking for―"

"Wait," the boy raises a hand, cutting you off. His expression softens, along with his voice. "You're kinda cute."

"Oh, um―"

"Are you from here?" he puts on his best smirk as he strides towards you, "because I've never seen you around here before. You must be new. Are you a second year student, or―" he winces as a volleyball collides with the back of his head, "Ow! What the hell?"

A short boy with light brown hair retrieves the bouncing volleyball. "Let her speak, Yamamoto," he says, holding the ball against his hip, "You said you were looking for someone?"

"Yeah, his name is Kuroo," you mumble, feeling yourself shrink under their intimidating stares. From the corner of your eye, you watch the setter walk off to a bench, completely uninterested. "He told me to come here after school."

"You must be our new manager!" the lanky boy grins, "We've been trying to find one for a while now."

"We're happy to welcome you to our team," another boy with a buzz cut says, "Kuroo didn't tell us about finding a manager yet, so this is kind of a surprise to all of us."

"Actually, I'm not your manager," you mutter, and you feel all of their spirits die on the spot. "I'm sorry. I'm just here to see Kuroo."

"Since when did he have game with pretty girls?" Yamamoto says in an irritated tone, "I've only seen you once, and he's already shot his shot?"

The boys laugh as they resume their practice, and you even find yourself smiling with them. They continue to spike volleyballs over the net, but the blonde setter remains seated on the bench, fully occupied by the Switch in his hands. He must be Kenma, you think.

"You can stay with us while you wait for him," the brown-haired boy says, waving for you to join him in the gymnasium, "I'm Yaku by the way."

"It's nice to meet you," you two exchange small bows, "I'm Y/n."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ