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Oikawa and Atsumu start moving around the ring, trying to get a feel of each other's presence. The fighters may know each other outside of the UR, but everything changes here.

There's more pressure here. There's more at stake, more to risk, more to lose, and there's certainly more to win.

The crowd is desperate to see blood, and some are so demanding that they yell out vicious things like they're praying for their downfall. Is it so bad that the two fighters are just trying to get comfortable before they try to demolish each other?

Atsumu does his best to hold out, waiting for Oikawa to make the first move, but little does he know that Oikawa never does. He's the type to wait for his opponent to throw the first punch, just so it'll be easier for him to strike and land a sensible hit.

No longer wanting to wait, Atsumu takes a careful step forward and throws a simple punch towards Oikawa's guard, hoping to break through the small sliver between his forearms. If only he was stronger, then he would've been able to land the first punch of the night.

When Oikawa blocks the blow without a problem, Atsumu quickly swings his other arm, forming the perfect left hook. I got you, he thinks before he notices that he actually didn't get him.

Atsumu's arm cuts through the air. He stumbles forward from his own speed, dropping his guard in the process and opening the perfect channel for a jab, right into his face. The impact of Oikawa's glove is painfully audible, a loud smack followed by Atsumu groaning in pain.

The crowd goes crazy when they witness the opening punch of the night, screaming and begging for more. On the other hand, Atsumu's fangirls are beginning to lose their minds.

"Oika'a-kun did a lot of trash talking on Instagram before this fight, and to make it worse, it was a livestream," Kuroo says as he leans closer to you. "It'll be embarrassing if he loses tonight."

"Oh," you reply before glancing over to the rest of your team. They all sit on the edge of their seats with their eyes glued to the fight in front of them. "Did Atsumu respond to him?"

"Kinda," Kuroo laughs half-heartedly, "Atsumu said that he feels more motivated the more Oikawa shit talks. It just gives him more reasons to prove himself."

The bell rings out, quickly putting the first round to an end. Stools are thrown into the ring, and the fighters go to their corners where their team assesses them. In the red corner, Aran goes into the ring, bending in front of Atsumu while Osamu and Suna standby.

And in the blue corner, Iwaizumi stands in front of Oikawa, glancing down at him with disappointment. "You'll never stop the trash talking, huh?" Iwaizumi says, grabbing Oikawa's attention. "Then you wonder why I call you Trashykawa... and you did it right before the match, too."

"Can't you just be proud of me, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asks, batting his eyelashes. He earns an eye roll in response and a few screams from the fangirls on the balcony behind him.

Iwaizumi looks at the other two cornermen. "Makki? Mattsun? Should we be proud of this idiot for his lack of sportsmanship?"

The two boys exchange sideward looks before attending to their fighter. "We can only be proud once you've won," Mattsun replies as he presses an ice pack to the back of Oikawa's neck.

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now