Charlie. On the surface.

Start from the beginning

Charlie had always dreamed of his wedding day. It was a romantic and important moment for him that had always been in his picture. For a long time the dream of finding the right person had been a crucial part of his childhood. You grow up and things change... the realization that he was gay, the bullying, the darkness of the world, all had altered that original fantasy.

A fantasy he had to abandon for several years, thinking it impossible... until he met Nick.

And his family wasn't going to ruin that for him with their rush and pressure.

If it was going to happen, it would have to be on their terms. At the time they would need or want it... and they weren't there yet.

Especially with everything going on with Matias and Ben, could he think about marrying the love of his life when he knew he had feelings for two other guys? Did he have permission?

Matias noticed that Charlie was watching him, lost in thought, so he took out his cell phone and secretly sent him a message.

"I know I'm cute, but you're exaggerating with your looks."

"Shut up you fool."

"What were you thinking about during class?" Matias and Charlie were walking toward the concourse, where a bunch of already graduated kids were celebrating that classes were over. "You looked so lost."

"Nothing...some business with my parents."

"Everything okay?"

"Everything okay with you? You look like you haven't slept in a month."

"I feel like I've been run over." Matias sighed. "I have the stress of my thesis, the band, Ben...I don't know. I don't feel quite right."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"There's not much to say..."

"When are you going to see him again?"

"Not soon. We won't be dating anymore." Matias made it clear.

"What?" Matias couldn't be that dumb.

"As you hear."

"Matias you can't just give up on someone you love so much."

"Charlie not everything has to work out. Ben is...special, I agree, but this is for me, I'm not ready. I'm not... ready for something like this."

Charlie rolled his eyes at him as he rubbed his arm.

"You're supposed to support me silly."

"I'm not going to push you if you don't think you're ready...but I don't agree with you."

"Can you at least trust that I'm doing what I think is best for me?"

"Sure." Charlie squeezed his hand affectionately. "But I still disagree with you."

They both laughed for a second, and Matias lost his gaze on the party behind him.

"Happy to graduate early?"

"Happy to evade the subject?"

"CHARLIE" Matias nudged him a little. "Give me a second to process everything."

"Only if you swear you'll tell me what the hell happened between you."

"If you give me ten minutes of normal conversation with my best friend, I will."

"Okay okay..." Charlie joked pulling out his cell phone and showing him the clock. "You have 10 minutes."

"Very funny." they both sat on a bench as they waved to mutual friends. "So? Happy?"

Heart Attack (a HeartStopper story)Where stories live. Discover now