Nick. Disappear

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Song recomendation for the chapter: Talia. - King princess.

An alarm woke Nick sooner than he would have liked, and even in the dark he smiled at the feel of Charlie's body entwined with his own between the sheets.

Accompanying a few small rays of sunlight that crossed the window, the snoring of the still sleeping Charlie made Nick laugh. Who just wrapped him up even more, turned him over, and lay down on his chest. They had only been living together for a week. A hot, fiery and very entertaining week. A grueling week, full of work and lots of things to do, but immensely happy. Always, when they came home to find each other, it was like a surprise, a surprise that invaded them with love again.

A daily reminder that their teenage dreams had come true. Getting their hands off each other was very complicated.

Still, Nick could feel Charlie's pain, between layers and layers of happiness and pretense.

He hadn't spoken to his parents since their fight, and although both Tori and Oli constantly stayed close to him, and checked in with Nick every now and then to make sure he was well, eating, and happy, he didn't seem to have any intention of confronting them again anytime soon.

Nick didn't know how much to intervene, how much to say or not say. Occasionally he would mention them and Charlie would delve into his feelings or thoughts. Occasionally he would let loose in long angry monologues, which Nick would listen to and try to mediate. The reality, for the moment, was very clear. Charlie didn't want to approach first...he was too hurt and angry.

And Nick understood that. Charlie was angry enough for both of them, but Nick was equally offended and mostly concerned about how the people who raised him could say such hurtful things to him.

"Do we have to get up so early?" Charlie's sleepy voice finally came out of his mouth.

"I have class, and you have a meeting with your band" Nick would leave kisses on his bare chest to finally get him to open his eyes. "Besides, it's today."

"How could i forget. How exciting love." Charlie opened his eyes and reached for Nick's face to kiss him hard.

They knew he had to wake up, but Nick couldn't resist his beautiful boyfriend's kisses.

Today was the opening of Nick, Tao and Elle's exhibition at the center. A day they had all been waiting for since Nick had returned.

Their morning progressed as usual, with the exciting addition of the opening. Charlie was making them tea while setting the table and trying to get dressed at the same time. Jumping between putting on a sock and pouring the boiling water. Nick laughed, already in his uniform, cooking them breakfast. Although they had spent a lot of time together before moving in, they had never had such a consistent routine, and although Nick noticed it was hard, Charlie was slowly getting used to his eating habits. He still controlled his portions and there were things he simply refused to try, but Nick found great satisfaction in each daily victory of watching him eat, full and happy.

Charlie had also had an incredible impact on his organization and cleanliness, for which Nick was extremely grateful. He didn't know to what level he was an obsessive neat freak, but he was finding out.

They felt like a cliché, but they were indeed a great team.

"You don't mind that the opening day was selected so close to your birthday?" Charlie said as he sipped his tea and Nick served him breakfast...something Nick hadn't even thought about.

His birthday? He couldn't believe it was September already.

"Emmm...if I'm being honest I hadn't thought about it."

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