Chapter 88 Night-time conversations

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We spent the whole night on his bed in each other's arms. Talking and not talking interchangeably. It was without a doubt the best night of my life.

The things we talked about varied a lot. It would go from very ordinary topics like places we had been and places we would want to visit to much more serious ones, such as everything that had happened during the last day.

I told him about how I had gone to the Library, read the story of the first vampires, and looked through the records of witch-vampire mates which had clearly shown that my father was a vampire. I also told him that I had seen our names in it combined with the word rejected and gotten angry enough by that to throw it in the flames. He theorized that our bond had started to mend the moment I had done that.

He told me that he had understood that Lolek was my father and that it was possible for me to be half-vampire by reading the same story. He was the one to bring up the flagae and that he thought the message was about me. Though he had no idea what the halo was about.

So I filled him in about what I had found out and how my vampire-half had likely been hidden by the use of the Halo of Darkness. I specifically told him about the story that I thought was about me and how I guessed the faerie had helped me and Saida out of the prison, just like she had also helped my parents.

Lamech grew very quiet at that point.

"What is it?" I finally asked.

"It's just that faeries can be rather peculiar in their ways, but they never do anything unless they have good reasons to. So I can't help but wonder why she would help you. It could be because of a friendship with your mother, of course. But then why wouldn't she ever have shown herself to you?" He became quiet again. His hand absentmindedly stroked my arm, up and down, but it was clear that his mind was elsewhere.

"You think she might come some day and ask for something in return?" I asked to prompt him to say what was on his mind.

"Yes. Faeries are considered good creatures, without any evil intention in them. But they are never at the losing end of a deal."

"But I never made a deal!"

"But your mother or father might have. And if they did and promised that you would later uphold their end of it, then there's nothing you can do to avoid it. Unless you want to offend the faerie."

I became quiet as well. Offending a faerie was the last thing any sane person would want to do and Lamech's words made it all sound so much more ominous than what I had previously considered it as. If anything I had just felt happy about having an unknown faerie on my side. One more friend was just a good thing, especially if that friend was a faerie.

I shifted around so I was on top of him. My hair hung to the right.

"If she ever comes and asks for something, we'll just deal with it then," I said. "No point worrying about the potential issues of tomorrow."

I leaned down and kissed him.

A long while later I raised a question, a worry that I had.

"The party. Will all of them be there? And are they really throwing it because of me?" I asked while being the small spoon.

"Probably all will be, yeah. And yes, it's to welcome you back or more to welcome you to your new home," he answered and kissed my mark, sending shivers down my spine.

"Are they all really okay with me? I don't know how your hierarchy works, but being your mate, I guess I have some sort of authority over them? Similar to an alpha and luna?"

"You do, yeah. We don't have any specific title for it. As you probably have noticed, I don't even have one exactly. But yes, you are technically second in command and Alair has been bumped down to third. You don't need to take on any responsibilities if you don't want to though."

I could feel his nervousness, even though his voice was casual. He had no right to be nervous however, not compared to me. I had no qualms about assuming responsibility, but would the vampires listen to and respect me?

"Is it okay for me to take on the job? I mean, will the other vampires not have an issue with that? Like who am I to waltz in here and hold that type of power?" I asked, voicing my anxiety.

"Who you are? My mate. If they respect me, which they do, then they will show you the respect befitted my mate."

"But will they only..." I started but Lamech continued speaking before I could finish my question.

"However, they do already respect you and you have earned that respect."

"How?" I was startled and turned around in his arms to look at him. He smiled back.

"You would know that better. But you have definitely left a lasting impression on them." Then he took a deep breath and it looked like he recalled something painful. As he spoke, I knew he was. "When the rouge got you, I didn't pay attention to anything other than you, so what happened in the fight after that, I only know because Alair told me. But as soon as all vampires were informed that you had been hurt, they got angry enough that all rouges left were killed in an instance. That's how much they care and respect you."

I felt shocked, mostly because I couldn't figure out what I had done to earn that. I had barely spent any time with them. There was only a handful of them that I was on first name base with. The only occasion I had spent more extensive time with a lot of them had been that night when I had fought them, one after another. That couldn't be it, could it?

"Vampires tend to value strength," Lamech said as if he had read my mind. It still felt absurd to me that that alone would have earned me such a position in their minds.

 It still felt absurd to me that that alone would have earned me such a position in their minds

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