Chapter 9 Grey like storming clouds

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My head was all fuzzy. I couldn't make coherent thoughts. Flashes of images and sensations swirled around. Crimson eyes. Brown hair. The weight of a body. Pleasure. So much pleasure.

I had no concept of time. It could have been seconds, hours, or days that passed by. The images became clearer and clearer. A girl, a vampire, a fight, pain, then pleasure. The pain... The vampire had gotten me. He had bit me, drunk my blood. Did that mean... Was I dead?

As that thought came to me my eyes flew open and I sat up.

"Ah, you're finally awake," a deep male voice said and I turned to look.

I was on a bed and a little away from the bed was a couch. On that couch was a man. He wore a white shirt and black pants. His body looked deliciously muscular and though he sat still there was an aristocratic air to him.

His eyes weren't crimson anymore. They were grey like storming clouds. But looking into them another realization hit, something I didn't want to think about, something that couldn't be true. I wouldn't let it be true.

"I was beginning to think you would never wake up," he continued.

I looked around the room. It was just me and him in it, and damn it was a fancy room. All the furniture was heavy wooden once, but they screamed luxury. The sheets on the bed I was on were the softest I had ever felt. The couch was a chiffon one in red, in crimson. There was also a crimson carpet. As if he needed to make it super clear that he was a vampire.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice much weaker than I had expected.

"In my clan's house," he answered and stood up from the couch in a fluid motion to go over and sit down on the bed next to me.

"Why did you bring me here? Too boring to just kill me? Want to keep me as food?" I scoffed and moved so my back as against the wall, so I was as far away from him as was possible.

He looked straight into my eyes with some emotion I couldn't place. Apprehension perhaps. But why?

"My name is Lamech," he said finally. "I'm the leader of the biggest clan of vampires in Europe. Midnight Refugees. You might have heard of us."

What he said made my mouth go dry. Not only because of the power I knew the clan had, the power the vampire in front of me had to have. That power didn't scare me at all to be honest. No. But...

But my parents had been killed by vampires from the Midnight Refugees. The vampire in front of me was responsible for my parents' deaths. I knew I should have hated him. I did hate him. But I also didn't, I couldn't. Because even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew what he was to me. I had known the moment I looked into his eyes.

Those crimson eyes. Those grey eyes.

He was my mate.

"The polite thing to do would be to introduce yourself as well," he said when I just kept on staring at him.

I snorted. "It's not very polite to kidnap people, so I guess we're even."

He shook his head. "Everything will be much easier if you cooperate."

"What? You get a kick out of knowing the name of the people you kill? Just fucking get on with it. Just drink my blood until I'm dead, pervy blood sucking demon."

In a second, he was on top of me. One of his hands pined my hands to the bed over my head. And his eyes. They had gone completely red again.

"Like you didn't enjoy it," he hissed. "Like you didn't beg me for more."

"Get off me!" I yelled and thrashed under him, but he just smirked not bothered by my attempt to throw him off.

"If that's how you'll behave I'll make you unable to move as I drink your blood. You wouldn't be able to do anything to get the release you want."

"Like hell I want that. I don't want you anywhere near me."

He laughed lightly and bent down his head. His lips were so close to my ear that they touched me when he continued to talk.

"Did you know that a vampire drinking your blood can be the most pleasurable or painful thing you've ever experienced? Do you know what decides which it'll be? Your desires. If you willingly let the vampire feed or not. Considering how much you seemed to enjoy me feeding on you, you definitely want me."

I felt a numb embarrassment, but I didn't get to dwell on his words for too long. There was a sharp pain as one of his fangs lightly made a small cut on my earlobe. It was just big enough for a few drops of blood to escape but as he licked them up, I gasped because of the sudden wave of pleasure that shoot through me.

He laughed softly into my ear.

"For someone that seems to hate vampires, that seems determined to kill us, you do enjoy this very much."

He made another small cut, that time on my jaw and licked up the drops of blood from there as well.

"What do you want with me?" I asked breathlessly, my eyes closed.

"Right now, I just want to know who you are."

He bit my neck. I tried to hold myself back, but the fire of pleasure raged in my body as he lapped up my blood. Finally, I couldn't hold back a moan. The same moment it left my lips, he stopped drinking my blood.

"My name is Crimson," I said, my eyes tightly closed. "I'm a witch of the Starlight coven."

"Just a witch?" he asked and the question seemed extremely odd to me, but my head wasn't completely clear at that moment.


"Now that I don't believe. Why don't you tell me the truth?"

"What?" I opened my eyes and stared at him. He was still on top of me, his face just centimeters from mine. "Why wouldn't that be the truth?"

"If it is the truth, then tell me what spell you used to survive."

"Survive what?"

He had to have seen the genuine confusion on my face because he frowned.

"You should be dead. I lost control and drank too much of your blood. I thought you were dead. I thought I'd killed you."


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