Chapter 68 Questioning the Priestess

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Me and Saida stayed up late. Or well, Saida only stayed up late, I stayed up all night again. It was impossible to fall asleep. I couldn't shut my brain off. So instead I left to jump from rooftop to rooftop. I had no intention of hunting down any vampire. I just wanted to be out in the open air, hoped it might clear my head and make me feel better about everything. And while I did it, and adrenaline started to pump as I jumped further and further each time, all seemed somewhat better.

On my way home, I bought some breakfast from a bakery that me and Saida frequented. It was filled with the scent of freshly made bread and the help the adrenaline had given me disappeared. I had wanted to run out and hide, or jump some more, but pushed through it. I would have to get used to it and there was no point in pushing it to the future.

"I hope you didn't worry. Was just out to buy breakfast," I called as I stepped inside.

Saida quickly came into the hallway, her lips in a thin line, and following her was the Priestess who looked at me with clear displeasure.

"Priestess!" I exclaimed and wanted to curse. "To what do we owe this pleasure."

"So you have finally decided to return," she scoffed.

"What do you mean? I..."

"Oh, don't lie to me Crimson. Do you really think I wouldn't understand that you weren't around? Saida here is refusing to tell me where you have been though. So please, enlighten me about what has been so important that you left without a word for a month?"

"I was hunting a vampire," I gave the first lie that came to mind. "But he kept evading me and traveling further and further north."

"Really?" she asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Yeah. I finally got him just outside of Glasgow."

"And you didn't even bring a cellphone? No means to contact you? And made yourself unscryable?"

I swallowed. I hadn't thought of any of this. Especially not the scrying part, hadn't even considered that Lamech would have made their home safe from magical detection such as scrying. But I couldn't tell her the truth. From what Alair had told me of Lolek, both me and Lamech would be in potential danger if I did.

"I noticed that the vampire was carrying a crystal with him," I therefore lied. "And it's not unheard of for other magical beings to be able to scry. Better safe than sorry, right?"

"Right. Well, never do it again. As it so happens, we have had several situations that would have been easily solved with your presence. But instead, those pesky leprechauns went on and on about their homes and always having lived there. Not to mention the vampires."

At that it was Stuart's words instead that guided my reply, as his voice, asking me if I had ever questioned the coven, echoed in my head.

"Well, are you sure the leprechauns hadn't been living there for forever?" I asked and the Priestess looked at me with contempt.

"Do you think I wouldn't know if there were leprechauns living in our area?" she spat at me, but I remained calm and continued questioning.

"Even so, it's not like leprechauns are a threat. They are peaceful and wouldn't hurt anyone."

She laughed coldly. "You seem to have grown foolish while being away. What would other creatures think if we let the leprechauns live here freely? Others would swarm in as well. And there's enough vampires living in London causing trouble as it is, don't you think? We don't need more."

I decided to keep my mouth shut but her words felt unpleasant to my ears. Was that really how she looked at it? Push away the innocent to not have to deal with potential problems? Had she used similar logic when killing Lolek and a witch from our own coven? Kill them because having a witch that had belong to the coven be a vampire could pose a risk in the future?

But I kept my thoughts from my face and just gave her a smile. "Well, I apologize for my absence. Next time I'll make sure to have a phone with me at least. If you'll excuse us, our breakfast is getting cold."

"Not so fast!" she stopped me, and even took hold my arm. I looked down at her hand with narrowed eyes. "Your absence has caused more issues and you have to come to the headquarters to help sort it all out."

"I suggest you let go of my arm," I said coldly and slowly looked up at her.

She let go as if electrocuted and took a step back. But quickly regained her haughtiness.

"You will come with me and help with the issues," she ordered me, but it sounded pathetic, weak even. In my mind I remembered the power in Lamech's words as he had ordered me to stay and not follow with to the wolfpack. That power that had almost made me expose my neck to him, though I wasn't even a creature that did that to show submission. Compared to that order, the Priestess' was words that could just as well have been said by a toddler.

"I have not had breakfast yet," I answered and straightened myself, made myself taller and pushed authority into my words. "I will come when it is convenient for me and not a second earlier."

I watched as she lowered her head, before realizing what she was doing and snapping it up again. She gave me a hard look, but like she usually would she didn't argue against me on such a point, or even reprimand me for being rude. She just swept away and out of there.

"I'm sorry," Saida said when we were alone, eyes brimming with worry. "I tried to keep her from finding out but..."

"It's alright, Saida," I smiled at her. The authority I had used when speaking with the Priestess was gone and I was back to my laid-back self. "I put you in a difficult position and you did the best you could. Don't worry about it, alright? Let's just eat."


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