Chapter 60 Thunder

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The drive took slightly less than an hour and was quite pleasant. Henry, the driver, raced and broke all the speed limits while the rest of us chatted about random things. It felt just like it had during the night, that I effortlessly fitted in and belonged there. I had always felt that the witches in the coven were pretentious, but the vampires definitely weren't. They were uncomplicated and generally positive and open. Friendly. And it didn't feel like they had any hidden motives with what they said as I often felt with the Priestess.

Once we got close, they all stopped talking suddenly. I looked at Everett and saw that his eyes were clouded over, a sign of that he received a mind-link.

"The fight has started," Everett told me. "We'll drive straight to it. Some of the wolves are in wolf-form, but you can tell them apart from the rouges by their scent. Apparently the rouges smell like shit."

I nodded.

None of us spoke any more as we drove on. The car was instead filled with the tense anticipation of a fight.

"Stay close to me, okay?" Everett whispered to me suddenly. "I know you can take care of yourself. But... Stay close to me."

I nodded and I honestly hadn't planned to do anything other than that anyway. It felt like the best option to remain by his side.

We drove one more minute before coming to a halt. We seemed to be in the middle of a town and before us was a mix of the rouges, wolves, and the vampires that had already arrived. It all looked like a complete mess, the air was filled with the sound of growls and bodies slamming into bodies. The scent of blood was everywhere. It was so thick and much that it was sickening.

We got out of the car and as promised, I stayed by Everett's side as we entered into the fight.

To begin with, it was close to impossible to make out the rouges from the pack members and we ended up just defending ourselves from incoming attacks. But after a while, I got used to the awful scent that hung around the rouges and learnt to tell them apart from the rest. It wasn't until then that I could properly appreciate the size of the attack.

There were enough rouges to outnumber the wolves four to one. It was obvious it was a planned attack and that if we hadn't come to help, the pack would have been wiped out.

Me and Everett kept as close to each other as was possible, but with the amount there was to fight, it was hard. The rouges were vicious in their attacks and seemed to not care for their own lives as they rushed at us. It all made it difficult to fight them and often they would attack two at once.

I had taken two knives with me and had just slashed through the throat of one. In the momentary calm I received, I looked around for Everett. He was a few meters away from me, keeping one rouge at bay. As I watched, I saw another run and leap at his back, Everett being completely unaware.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get there in time to help him, so instead of fighting with my fists, I used magic. What looked like black smoke shot out from my arms, becoming a sort of extension to them, and caught the rouge before it reached Everett. With the smoke I threw it away from there. It got up, shook its body a bit before locking its eyes on me.

I stopped the attack it launched towards me with the black smoke once again while also creating a shield of stone to my right as another jumped at me. As soon as I had done that two more attacked. They both came from the same direction so I had no issues with throwing them from me with the black smoke. And then more attacked, and more as I kept fighting them off with magic. I threw them back, created shields that they crashed into, made spears appear that pierced their bodies.

I got the feeling that they targeted me and likely because I used witchcraft. But as they became more and more, it became impossible for me to stop using magic.

"Fuck, can't they give it a rest!" Everett shouted as he snapped the neck of one. He had gotten even closer to me and fought alongside me in the thick of things. Out of nowhere Alair appeared at my side as well, helping with holding the rouges off.

"Lamech is going to kill you!" he shouted and I didn't know if it was aimed at me or Everett or the both of us and there was no time to ask as the number of rouges attacking became more and more. They didn't seem to care about attacking Everett and Alair, but concentrated on me. It started to become overwhelmingly many, but I fought them back and the once I missed, Everett and Alair were there to protect me from.

I flung five of them back at once, but from their flying bodies, one shot forward. I didn't have time to react and neither did Everett or Alair at my sides. I had the shortest of moments in which I knew what would happen before it did.

The rouge opened its mouth and I could smell the scent of death on his breath. I still held onto my knives and pushed them into the rouges stomach as its front paws landed on me and teeth bit down over my shoulder.

Pain. Lots of it. To the extent that it quickly turned to numbness.

"No!" I heard a scream above all other sounds and I looked around to try to find the source. But it was impossible.

The weight of the rouge on me made my legs cave and I dropped to my knees. The grip of its teeth slackened before it was thrown off me. I could feel all strength leaving me and I swayed. I was ready to feel myself hit the earth, but instead strong arms and the scent of thunder engulfed me.

"Crimson! Please Crimson! Look at me!" I heard a frantic voice and I turned my eyes to focus at the source. I found a pair of grey eyes, a color that matched the scent of thunder that belonged with them. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what and I couldn't form any words anyway.

"Don't talk. Save your energy. Just stay with me, alright? Stay with me, Crimson."

Stay with him? That wouldn't be a problem. In fact, I wanted nothing more than to stay with him. I wouldn't let anything stop me from that. I wanted to stay with him until the end of time.

 I wanted to stay with him until the end of time

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Crimson and author wishes you a blessed Ostara!


Ostara is the holiday celebration the spring equinox.

What is the first sign to you that spring is here? This year, for me it definitely was the first morning when it felt like morning and not night by the time I reached work.

Spring is my favorite time of year. Which is yours?

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 2 - Crimson, the Witch of NightWhere stories live. Discover now