Chapter 87 Expressive, calm, immortal

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A while later we had finally made it into the bathroom which looked identical to the one in my room. We started with taking a shower to wash of the majority of the grim from our bodies. But once that was done, Lamech insisted on us taking a bath.

As we sat down in it, he placed me on his lap and hugged me to him.

"Are you sure about all of this?" he asked and I could hear nervousness in his voice.

"All of what?" I asked back, confused by the question.

"Are you sure you want me as your mate?"

I tried to turn to look at him, but he held me in place and bent his head down, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

"I'm sure. Very sure," I answered. "I really shouldn't have rejected you before. It was dumb. I think I honestly regretted it as soon as I had done it."

"I am really sorry for what I did. And I would understand if you could never forgive me."

"The fact that you feel that way is reason enough for me to forgive you."

I tried to turn around again and this time he let me. I placed a hand on his cheek and he moved his head to kiss it.

"I love you, Lamech. And I'm yours until the end of time," I told him. I felt pleasantly warm and knew that had nothing to do with the temperature of the water surrounding us.

"I love you too, Crimson. And I'm yours evermore."

I smiled at his choice of word and then saw his eyes travel down to my neck.

"And I'm very glad you feel that way, because it would be much harder to break the bond now," he added and placed his fingers at the spot on my right where my neck ended and shoulder began. That small touch sent a shiver down my spine and automatically I looked to the same spot on him and gasped.

Because of all the filth we had been covered in, I hadn't paid it any attention and so hadn't noticed what had formed on him there. But now as I looked, I could see what obviously was a mate mark.

It was some type of plant, or rather tree, though my knowledge of plants were limited so I couldn't tell which. It started on the shoulder and then grew up a bit onto the neck. The colors of it shifted between brown, green, blue, and red and it was breathtaking.

"Yew," Lamech said. "For many it represents immortality due it is ability to regenerate from within."

I smiled at his explanation and bent down to kiss his mark. I felt him shudder as my lips connected.

"I like that," I whispered to him and leaned my head against his shoulder. It was such a peaceful moment. All was good and calm. I hadn't slept for days and I didn't even know if vampires could sleep. But with my head on his shoulder. His arms around me. The warm water surrounding us. And I could also feel him, his feelings, his adoring love. It felt like I drifted off to sleep.

Then a loud voice sounded in my head.

"Everyone free, come to the first floor to help out!" It was Alair's voice and it startled me, made me sit up straight, splashing water over the edge of the tub as I did so, and stare in bewilderment at Lamech.

"Wha..." I started to say, but then more voices sounded.


"Something happened?"

"Are we throwing a party?"

"What are we celebrating?"

"Crimson's back," Alair answered the curious voices and an ear shattering babble erupted. Out of reflect I put my hands over my ears, but that obviously didn't make any difference.

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 2 - Crimson, the Witch of NightWhere stories live. Discover now