Chapter 57 Lives potentially saved

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"Do you have a map of the pack land?" Crimson asked.

"Certainly," Darren answered and I could see his eyes brimming with curiosity as to what Crimson had in mind.

One of the Gammas took out a map that they spread over the table. Then at Crimson's request and Darren's approval, the Gamma went through the boarders, explaining the terrane around it and also the spots that were harder to oversee.

Crimson listened intently and asked questions for clarification when needed. It seemed like she was mainly interested in understanding how large the area was, which had my curiosity peaked as to where it all was going.

"When you brought up the issue of the rouges being able to identify security cameras yesterday, it got me thinking of magical solutions to it," she finally said and a light instantly lit in Darren's eyes. "I have in the past, made a magical device that is able to detect magical beings close by. The ones I have made have been rather weak and only for personal use, but I should be able to make stronger ones. Not one that would be able to cover the whole pack area, but I could make a few that can be placed around the boarder. They would then be able to warn if rouges approaches and approximately from where."

"That sounds marvelous!" Cassie exclaimed and it looked like she was about to jump up and down on the spot.

"There would be some issues with them though," Crimson hurried to add. "I can make them to specifically detect only shifters, but that then would include all shifters and not just rouges. Making your pack members an exception wouldn't be an issue. They all swear a blood oath to you, right?"

Darren nodded at her question.

"So then by using your blood, the detectors would be able to distinguish the pack members from other shifters. But if some visits, the detector wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and the rouges. And you would have to remember that they would only be able to detect shifters, so any other unfriendly magical being would go unnoticed by them."

"Still sounds marvelous to me," Cassie smiled and Darren mirrored her.

"It really does! One of the main issues we've had is not noticing them until they've been too far into our land. So this would help a lot. But are you certain it wouldn't be too much trouble for you to make them?"

"It would take me some time, but it really wouldn't be any trouble," she smiled.

"And as for compensa..." Darren started to say, but Crimson quickly cut him off.

"I'm not interested in any form of compensation. Lives potentially saved is all that matters."

Darren looked taken aback at first before he beamed at her and I felt myself do the same.

Everything with her had been so chaotic and we honestly hadn't had much time to properly get to know each other. Even so I knew already that I cared deeply for her, that I loved her and would do anything she asked of me. But it wasn't until she said that, that I found myself imagining what a potential future with her would be like. How we would share in responsibilities, support one another and together work towards the same goal, guided by that one sentence.

Lives potentially saved is all that matters.

I felt myself be in a daze as Crimson went into more details about how many she would make, where they would be placed, and the area they would cover. I was vaguely aware of her explaining how it would work, that she would connect them all to one stone that could easily be carried around and that would make a sound if one of the detectors picked up on something.

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 2 - Crimson, the Witch of NightWhere stories live. Discover now